2023-12-07 00:49:33 +01:00
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2023-12-07 00:55:49 +01:00
<description>Blasting out the good stuff, one link at the time</description>
2023-12-07 00:49:33 +01:00
<sy:updatePeriod>{{ site.feed_update_period | default: "daily" | xml_escape }}</sy:updatePeriod>
2023-12-07 00:55:49 +01:00
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2023-12-07 00:49:33 +01:00
<atom:link href="{{ site.url }}/{{ page.path }}" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<lastBuildDate>{{ site.time | date_to_rfc822 }}</lastBuildDate>
{% assign feed_items = site.feed_items | default: 10 %}{% for post in site.data.alink47.alink47 reversed %}{% assign sitetimexml = site.time | date: "%s" %}{% assign now = post.date | date: "%s" %}{% if now <= sitetimexml %}
<title>{{ post.name | xml_escape }}</title>
<description>{{ post.content | xml_escape }}</description>
<pubDate>{{ post.date | date_to_rfc822 }}</pubDate>
<link>{{ post.link }}</link>
<guid isPermaLink="false">{{ now }}</guid>
</item>{% endif %}{% endfor %}