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    <h1>The Conquest of Bread</h1>
    <p>by <a href="https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/23428">Petr Alekseevich Kropotkin</a></p>
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    <p>One of the current objections to Communism, and Socialism altogether, is that the idea is so old, and yet it has
      never been realized. Schemes of ideal States haunted the thinkers of Ancient Greece; later on, the early
      Christians joined in communist groups; centuries later, large communist brotherhoods came into existence during
      the Reform movement. Then, the same ideals were revived during the great English and French Revolutions; and
      finally, quite lately, in 1848, a revolution, inspired to a great extent with Socialist ideals, took place in
      France. "And yet, you see," we are told, "how far away is still the realization of your schemes. Don't you think
      that there is some fundamental error in your understanding of human nature and its needs?"</p>
    <p>At first sight this objection seems very serious. However, the moment we consider human history more attentively,
      it loses its strength. We see, first, that hundreds of millions of men have succeeded in maintaining amongst
      themselves, in their village communities, for many hundreds of years, one of the main elements of Socialism—the
      common ownership of the chief instrument of production, the land, and the apportionment of the same according to
      the labour capacities of the different families; and we learn that if the communal possession of the land has been
      destroyed in Western Europe, it was not from within, but from without, by the governments which created a land
      monopoly in favour of the nobility and the middle classes. We learn, moreover, that the medieval cities succeeded
      in maintaining in their midst, for several centuries in succession, a certain socialized organization of
      production and trade; that these centuries were periods of a rapid intellectual, industrial, and artistic
      progress; while the decay of these communal institutions came mainly from the incapacity of men of combining the
      village with the city, the peasant with the citizen, so as jointly to oppose the growth of the military states,
      which destroyed the free cities.</p>

    <p>The history of mankind, thus understood, does not offer, then, an argument against Communism. It appears, on the
      contrary, as a succession of endeavours to realize some sort of communist organization, endeavours which were
      crowned here and there with a partial success of a certain duration; and all we are authorized to conclude is,
      that mankind has not yet found the proper form for combining, on communistic principles, agriculture with a
      suddenly developed industry and a rapidly growing international trade. The latter appears especially as a
      disturbing element, since it is no longer individuals only, or cities, that enrich themselves by distant commerce
      and export; but whole nations grow rich at the cost of those nations which lag behind in their industrial
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