![A screenshot of the fediverse sharing prompt, which consists of an input field for domain name and a button with the text "Share" preceded by a Mastodon logo](./images/fsb-640x120.png)
Let your site's visitors share your work with the fediverse!
You can see a demo at [fediverse-share-button.stefanbohacek.dev](https://fediverse-share-button.stefanbohacek.dev/). For a list of supported platforms, [visit my blog](https://stefanbohacek.com/blog/making-fediverse-apps-for-everyone/#sharing-dialog).
Some fediverse platforms let you [open a sharing prompt via a URL](https://stefanbohacek.com/blog/making-fediverse-apps-for-everyone/#sharing-dialog), much like many [corporate social media sites](https://stefanbohacek.com/blog/simple-sharing-buttons/#facebook).
My sharing button [detects the software](https://github.com/stefanbohacek/fediverse-info) running on the platform based on the provided URL, and shows a matching fediverse logo (courtesy of [Liaizon Wakest](https://fediverse.wake.st/)).
**Q: Does this button or the fediverse-info server collect any information?**
None at all. The [fediverse-info](https://github.com/stefanbohacek/fediverse-info) server is only needed to cache the software information for each domain as not to overwhelm the original server with too many requests.
**Q: Are there any similar projects?**
Yes, see a list here: https://github.com/Uden-AI/fediverse-share#similar-projects-to-compare-to, including this project itself.
**Q: Is this really free to use?**
Yep. But if you do have any extra cash, see [stefanbohacek.com/support-my-work](https://stefanbohacek.com/support-my-work/).
**Q: Any way I can share feedback and suggestions?**
Yes, feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/stefanbohacek/fediverse-share-button/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc) on this repo, or find my contact information [on my website](https://stefanbohacek.com/contact/).