# syncthing-hooks Run shell scripts via event hook files (similar to Git hooks) when changes are detected in a [Syncthing](https://syncthing.net/) folder. ## Prerequisites [Node.js >= 10](https://nodejs.org/en/) ## Installation ```sh npm i -g syncthing-hooks ``` ## Usage You can simply run the watcher process via: ```sh API_KEY=mykey syncthing-hooks ``` Don't forget to substitute `mykey` with your syncthing API key, which can be found in the settings in the GUI. It won't install itself as a daemon by default, however. In order to run it as a service, it is recommended to install [pm2](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/): ```sh npm i -g pm2 ``` You can then register it as a daemon via: ```sh pm2 start "API_KEY=mykey syncthing-hooks" --name sthooks ``` To create the daemon automatically on startup, consult [this documentation](https://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/startup/). You can follow the output of your hooks by using: ```sh pm2 logs ``` ## Hooks Create a folder in your home directory called `.syncthing-hooks`. Each hook is a file with the following naming scheme: `folder-name-delay` The folder name is the 11 character unique string found in the syncthing GUI. The delay is a string (anything parseable by the [ms module](https://github.com/zeit/ms)) indicating the idle time after an event, so that hooks aren't executed multiple times on successive changes in a short interval. An example: a script at the location `~/.syncthing-hooks/night-owlzz-5m` will be executed five minutes after the most recent event in the folder with the identifier `night-owlzz`. Make sure your folder identifier is exactly 11 characters long and does not have an extension. Also, don't forget to `chmod +x` the script.