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.......'',,'''',,;;;,,'...............';;;'... All you saw was sound!
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<h4>Unmet Dependencies</h4>
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<h1>Unmet Dependencies</h1>
<p>Proprietary tools, consultancies, remote labor... The reality in the digital industry is as hard to cope with as it is building software in Haskell. Freedom is luxury, but also a burden.
Open your mind, open the source!</p>
<p><a href="#play" class="button">🔊 Listen</a></p>
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<h2>Track list</h2>
<ul id="plList">
<li >
<div class="plItem">
<div class="plNum">1.</div>
<div class="plTitle">Dependency Error</div>
<div class="plLength">
<li >
<div class="plItem">
<div class="plNum">2.</div>
<div class="plTitle">Pingnu</div>
<div class="plLength">
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<div class="plItem">
<div class="plNum">1.</div>
<div class="plTitle"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dependency Error </a></div>
<div class="plLength">
<div class="plItem">
<div class="plNum">2.</div>
<div class="plTitle"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pingnu </a></div>
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Published the
<time datetime="2020-08-02 07:00:00 +0000">
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<h2 id="oldies-but-goldies">Oldies, but goldies</h2>
<p>It is through these 2 tracks that i found the To Setto Setto in me. Before that i used to do some (Excellent, but) sort of lamo Electro-pop. Originally released under Sethybwoy, around 2016, they got some traction in Cyperpunk and geek circles, but never quite made it further…</p>
<p>I dont really expect them to go so much longer this time, the odds are about the same as winning the EU-Jackpot Lottery. But i decided they belonged to To Setto Setto now and i can do as I please with them.</p>
<p>Hope you like them!</p>
<p>Here is a video that was made for the track Pingnu. Its cute AF… but ok, thats how it was made!</p>
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<h2>Dependency Error</h2>
| <strong>Cybersoul</strong></p>
<p><a href="../unmet-dependencies/1-dependency-error/" class="button">🔊 Play</a></p>
Sudo apt update<br />
Sudo apt upgrade<br />
Sudo apt update<br />
Sudo apt upgrade<br />
<br />
There is an error with my dependencies<br />
Consultd 1.2 and emplyomentd 1.70<br />
I cannot pay my rent without their libraries<br />
And to install I need to share my salary<br />
Where do I fit in this society<br />
The more I look and the less I see<br />
They want no robots nor do they want me<br />
Because work is a point in the agenda of the party<br />
<br />
Sudo apt update<br />
Sudo apt upgrade<br />
Sudo apt update<br />
Sudo apt upgrade<br />
<br />
My liver isn't black market worthy<br />
And my master degree from a street university<br />
My ambitions are low and I am debt free<br />
There is no room in the industry for robots like me<br />
Don't get me wrong I would also like to be<br />
Installed and running and compatible with society<br />
But I am running a different library<br />
Because my kernel is still libre and free<br />
<br />
Sudo apt update<br />
Sudo apt upgrade<br />
Sudo apt update<br />
Sudo apt upgrade<br />
<section class="track-picker">
<div class="full-image" style="background-image:url(;">
| <strong>Cybersoul</strong></p>
<p><a href="../unmet-dependencies/2-pingnu/" class="button">🔊 Play</a></p>
Im a little Pingu, riding on a GNU.<br />
Looking at the world, looking at you.<br />
Free at the core, i wonder why dont you,<br />
Look at me the way i look at you.<br />
<br />
It would be so nice, if you could take me in.<br />
Your computer and i could change the world were in.<br />
Your freedom is being diluted.<br />
And your code is being polluted.<br />
<br />
Im a big GNU with my little Pingu,<br />
Looking at the world, looking at you.<br />
Free at the core, i wonder why dont you,<br />
Look at me the way i look at you.<br />
<br />
It would be so nice, if you could compute.<br />
Your freedom is not to dilute,<br />
Someone has taken your tool into dispute,<br />
This is what together we should refute.<br />
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<h3>Live with hardware</h3>
<p>There is a weird meta-core to anything social exchange on internet that I can't get my finger on. Assumptions and projections that I think partially stem from the lack in body language</p>
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<p>Pignu got Chopped & Screwed by KodTreatment</p>
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