--- layout: default --- {% if page.category == 'releases' %} {% include header.html %}
{% for album in site.albums %} {% if page.album == album.slug %} {% assign onetracker = album.tracks | size %}

Track list

    {% for track in album.tracks %}
  • {{ track.common.track.no }}.
    {{ track.common.title }}
    {% assign round_seconds = track.format.duration | round %}{% assign minutes = round_seconds | divided_by: 60 %}{% assign leftover_seconds = minutes | times: 60 %}{{ minutes }}:{% assign seconds_without_zero = round_seconds | minus: leftover_seconds %}{% if seconds_without_zero < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ seconds_without_zero }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% for track in album.tracks %}
{{ track.common.track.no }}.
{% assign round_seconds = track.format.duration | round %}{% assign minutes = round_seconds | divided_by: 60 %}{% assign leftover_seconds = minutes | times: 60 %}{{ minutes }}:{% assign seconds_without_zero = round_seconds | minus: leftover_seconds %}{% if seconds_without_zero < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ seconds_without_zero }}
{% endfor %}
{% assign author_id = page.author | prepend: "/authors/" | append: "/" %} {% assign author = site.authors | where: "url", author_id | first %}

{{ author.name }}

{{ author.position }}{% if author.gpg != nil %} | GPG{% endif %}

Published the {% include dates.html %}

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The 2 tracks of laid back cloud rap are tales of daily digital life-struggles. When day-to-day communication blurs the line between the virtual and real.

Being close to someone, without them knowing, anonymously and obsessively through a device. Decrypting interconnected sub-stories from every node in the graph and losing your mind on it.What’s the latest story? FOMO to the max, The Fear Of Missing Out!

Put your derpy VR-goggles on and check out the 360 video bellow!

The video is delivered from YouTube, but is explicitly set not to push any cookies to your browser! Click here for a direct link

{% if onetracker > 1 %}
{% endif %}


{% include streamer.html %} {% if onetracker > 1 %} {% for track in album.tracks %}

{{ track.common.title }}

{% assign round_seconds = track.format.duration | round %}{% assign minutes = round_seconds | divided_by: 60 %}{% assign leftover_seconds = minutes | times: 60 %}{{ minutes }}:{% assign seconds_without_zero = round_seconds | minus: leftover_seconds %}{% if seconds_without_zero < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ seconds_without_zero }} | {{ track.common.genre }}

{{ track.common.year }}

🔊 Play

{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if page.previous.url or page.next.url %}
{% if page.previous.url %}

{{ page.previous.title }}

{{ page.previous.description }}

{% endif %}
{% if page.next.url%}

{{ page.next.title }}

{{ page.next.description }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %} {% include header.html %}
{{ content }}
{% if page.link %}

👀 Check it out!

{% endif %}
{% if page.previous.url or page.next.url %}
{% if page.previous.url %}

{{ page.previous.title }}

{{ page.previous.description }}

{% endif %}
{% if page.next.url%}

{{ page.next.title }}

{{ page.next.description }}

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}