Granny is a cyborg now

Jazzy Cybersoul with a hint of 303 baselines.


Track list

  • 1.
    Grandma got the SSH keys

徒 setto セット

Geek | GPG

Published the 12:th of December 2019

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My grandmother, 93,  added me on social media yesterday. So I called her. Long-chat good talk. TL;DR Damn what a woman! She told me she had a roll-walker. I said “we’re in the future now Grandma, you’re a cyborg, half machine!”

She laughed and acknowledge it was a marvellous invention!

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As dystopian as the present might seem on-line, there is always room for the strange in the cypher...

Live with hardware 

There is a weird meta-core to anything social exchange on internet that I can't get my finger on. Assumptions and projections that I think partially stem from the lack in body language

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