--- layout: default --- {% include relBase.html %} {{ page.common.title }} {% for style in page.common.genre %}{{ style }}{% endfor %} by {{ page.common.artist }} {{ page.common.year }} Play dat! {{ page.common.title }} {% for style in page.common.genre %}{{ style }}{% endfor %} by {{ page.common.artist }} {{ page.common.year }} {% assign round_seconds = page.format.duration | round %}{% assign minutes = round_seconds | divided_by: 60 %}{% assign leftover_seconds = minutes | times: 60 %}{{ minutes }}:{% assign seconds_without_zero = round_seconds | minus: leftover_seconds %}{% if seconds_without_zero < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ seconds_without_zero }} Play dat! {% include author.html %} {% if page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS != nil %} {% unless page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS == '' %}Lyrics{% endunless %} {{ page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS | newline_to_br }} {{ page.all.Comment }} {% endif %} {% include streamer.html %} Play more songs grom this release {% if page.previous.url and page.lang == page.previous.lang %} {{ page.previousTrack.common.title }} {% endif %} {% if page.next.url and page.lang == page.next.lang %} {{ page.nextTrack.common.title }} {% endif %} Your browser isn't ready for so much hotness. Use the download-link instead.. {% include footer.html %}
{% for style in page.common.genre %}{{ style }}{% endfor %} by {{ page.common.artist }} {{ page.common.year }}
{% assign round_seconds = page.format.duration | round %}{% assign minutes = round_seconds | divided_by: 60 %}{% assign leftover_seconds = minutes | times: 60 %}{{ minutes }}:{% assign seconds_without_zero = round_seconds | minus: leftover_seconds %}{% if seconds_without_zero < 10 %}0{% endif %}{{ seconds_without_zero }}
{{ page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS | newline_to_br }}
{{ page.all.Comment }}