--- layout: default --- {% include relBase.html %}
{% include author.html %}
{% if page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS and page.all.USLT %}

{{ page.all.USLT.text | newline_to_br }}

{% elsif page.all.USLT and page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS == nil %}

{{ page.all.USLT.text | newline_to_br }}

{% elsif page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS and page.all.USLT == nil %}

{{ page.all.UNSYNCEDLYRICS | newline_to_br }}

{% endif %}

{{ page.all.Comment }}

{% include streamer.html %}

Play more songs grom this release

{% if page.previous.url and page.lang == page.previous.lang %}

 {{ page.previousTrack.common.title }}

{% endif %}
{% if page.next.url and page.lang == page.next.lang %}

 {{ page.nextTrack.common.title }}

{% endif %}
{% include footer.html %}