Yo, web-TV crib! ゲットー・スービド

徒 setto セット

The music of To Setto Setto is a cypher cloud jam induced by popcorn chewing threads in obscure chat-rooms.

Unmet Dependencies

EP released 2:nd of August 2020

Proprietary tools, consultancies, remote labor... The reality in the digital industry is as hard to cope with as it is building software in Haskell. Freedom is luxury, but also a burden. Open your mind, open the source!

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Live with hardware

Single released 19:th of April 2020

There is a weird meta-core to anything social exchange on internet that I can't get my finger on. Assumptions and projections that I think partially stem from the lack in body language

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Granny is a cyborg now

EP released 12:th of December 2019

Jazzy Cybersoul with a hint of 303 baselines.

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EP released 7:th of February 2019

As dystopian as the present might seem on-line, there is always room for the strange in the cypher...

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Satoshi Mon Ami

EP released 17:th of December 2018

The 2 tracks of laid back cloud rap are tales of daily digital life-struggles. When day-to-day communication blurs the line between the virtual and real.

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Granny is a cyborg now [TRACK+curiosa]

My grandmother, 93, added me on social media. So I called her. Long-chat good talk. TL;DR Damn what a woman! She told me she had a roll-walker. I said “We’re in the future now Grand ma’, you’re a cyborg, half machine!”

She laughed and acknowledge it was a marvelous invention!

LyricsGot a friend request from my grandmaBut she spelled her name with an OFelt like it came from Futuramabut I know my OP-sec yo!

Background check just didn’t add upFamily tree is kind of messySo I called her upShe loled out loud and said: hey sweetie!

Why is it that you never call me?Good thing I went through the zuckAlthough I think it’s kind of shittyI simply had to try my luck

Do I know what it does to democracy?How come we have to be registered?How can this promote any liberty?If all we do in it is monitored?So many questions and all valid,She checked all my OP-sec control94 years old and vividHolding strong her grandma role.

She said next time we go for a strollI’ll get to see her augmentation:A 2kg aluminum walker-rollA marvelous invention!


Cover art for a single. Text sa…

3:rd of January 2021 - 15:15

See thread

do you know of any fediverse instances specializing in #graffiti / #streetart ?

3:rd of January 2021 - 09:56

See thread

from ZOZO to ZOZI

31:st of December 2020 - 22:35

See thread


31:st of December 2020 - 22:34

See thread

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