.......'',,'''',,;;;,,'...............';;;'... All you saw was sound!
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<title>Make a bold move or die trying | 徒 setto セット</title>
<metaname="title"content="Make a bold move or die trying | 徒 setto セット"/>
<metaname="description"content="Being Underground is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Tell your idols they need to find some courage! Fuck the Haters (yeah you D.Ek!)"/>
<metaname="dcterms.Subject"content="Being Underground is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Tell your idols they need to find some courage! Fuck the Haters (yeah you D.Ek!)"/>
<metaname="dcterms.Title"content="Make a bold move or die trying"/>
<metaname="dcterms.Description"content="Being Underground is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Tell your idols they need to find some courage! Fuck the Haters (yeah you D.Ek!)"/>
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<metaproperty="og:title"content="Make a bold move or die trying | 徒 setto セット"/>
<metaproperty="og:description"content="Being Underground is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Tell your idols they need to find some courage! Fuck the Haters (yeah you D.Ek!)"/>
<metaname="twitter:title"content="Make a bold move or die trying | 徒 setto セット"/>
<metaname="twitter:description"content="Being Underground is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Tell your idols they need to find some courage! Fuck the Haters (yeah you D.Ek!)"/>
<p>Being Underground is a dirty job, but someone has to do it! Tell your idols they need to find some courage! Fuck the Haters (yeah you D.Ek!)</p>
<p><ahref="#read"class="button">👀 Read</a></p>
<p>I’ve spent ~$90 to be available on streaming services for 2 years and made exactly $9.85 (before taxes) during that time. That’s 152 times less then i did by spending 0 on Audius. I don’t know if Audius is savior, but i know for sure the streaming platforms are not. Of course i could up my promotion game, send all my listeners into their network of <ahref="https://thebaffler.com/downstream/big-mood-machine-pelly"target="_blank">stalker-bots and trackers.</a> Or like the haters say: “mAyBE jUst mAKe bETter muSIC”. But instead I’m going to make a bold move.</p>
<p>A move that is allowed to me because I’m small and truly independent: <strong>I’m deleting that shit!</strong> 🖕</p>
<p>Effective soon (whatever time it takes for my aggregator to act upon my request), you’ll find me everywhere, but i won’t promote any other places then:</p>
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