Merge pull request from Sakrecoer/dev

This commit is contained in:
Set Hallstrom 2019-07-14 01:22:23 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9749940552
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
83 changed files with 1240 additions and 1754 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ pagination:
### collection
output: true
permalink: /music/:title.html
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ permalink: /:categories/:title/
# mime_type: "image/jpeg"
# expandable: "true"
exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "", "Rakefile", "", "*.*~"]
audio_url : ''
exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "", "Rakefile", "", "*.*~", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock"]
audio_url : ''
banner: /assets/img/set.png

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@ -1 +1,2 @@
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<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/cookiemonster_upsidedown.gif" style="position:relative;top:0;right:0;z-index:77777;"/>

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
<a id="music" href="/music">Music</a>
<a id="about" href="/">About</a>
<a id="log" href="/">Log</a>
<a id="discog" href="/">Discog</a>
<a id="links" href="/">Links</a>
<div id="a"><img src="/assets/img/sakrecoerLOGO.png"></div>
<div id="ab">
{% for post in offset: 0 limit: 1 %}
{{ post.title }}
{% endfor %}
<div id="abc">About</div>
<div id="abcd">Log</div>
<div id="abcde"></div>
<div id="abcdef">Links</div>

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@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
<ul id="nav">
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/"><img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoerLOGO.png" width="125px" height="125px" title="SAKRECOER" /></a>
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/discography/">Discog</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/about/">About</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/links/">Links</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/blog/">Log</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/music/">Music Index</a></li>
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/">Home</a></li>
<div id="navigation">
{% if page.collection == 'tracks' %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}./#{{ page.uid }}" alt="Back" title="Back">
{% elsif page.url != '/music/' %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/music/" alt="Music" title="Music">
{% else %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/" alt="Back" title="About">
{% endif %}
<img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoer-logo.svg" width="125px" height="125px" alt="Sakrecoer Logo" />
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$("#navigation").css("opacity", 0 + $(window).scrollTop() / 250);
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$("#navigation").css("opacity", 1 - $(window).scrollTop() / 250);
{% endif %}

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@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
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View file

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
<meta name="dcterms.Identifier" content="{{ site.url }}" />
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<meta name="dcterms.Coverage" content="{{ site.url }}/" />
@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@sakrecoer" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ page.title }} | {{ site.title }}" />
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ site.description | strip_html }}" />{% if page.url != '/' %}
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ site.url }}{{ page.image }}" />{% else %}
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ site.url }}{{ site.logo }}" />{% endif %}
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ site.description | strip_html }}" />{% if page.collection != 'tracks' %}
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ page.image }}" />{% else %}
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ page.image}} " />{% endif %}
<!-- END seo.html -->

View file

@ -7,11 +7,17 @@
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/css/style2019-07.css" />
<script src="/assets/js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
{% include seo.html %}
background: url('{{ page.image }}');
{{ content }}
{% include navmenu.html %}

View file

@ -1,35 +1,52 @@
layout: default
<div id="navigation">
<button id="mu_pause">Play</button>
<h1>{% if page.previous_in_category != nil %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.previous_in_category.url }}" title="Previous Track"><img
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/icons/skiprwd.png" title="Previous Track" /></a>
{% endif %}
<a id="download" title="Download This Track!" href="{{ site.audio_url }}{{ page.mp3 }}"><img
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/icons/dl.png" title="Download Track" /></a>
{% if page.next_in_category != nil %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.next_in_category.url }}" title="Next Track"><img
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/icons/skipfwd.png" title="Next Track" /></a>{% endif %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/music/">Back to Index</a>
{% include navmenu.html %}
<div id="player">
<div id="info">
<div id="controls">
<div class="container">
<button id="mu_pause">Play</button><br />
{% if page.previous != nil %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.previous.url }}" title="Previous Track"><img
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/icons/skiprwd.png" title="Previous Track" /></a>
{% endif %}
<a id="download" title="Download This Track!" href="{{ page.mp3 }}"><img
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/icons/dl.png" title="Download Track" /></a>
{% if != nil %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ }}" title="Next Track"><img
src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/icons/skipfwd.png" title="Next Track" /></a>{% endif %}
<div id="lyrics">
<h1 class="title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
{{ page.content }}
<audio preload="true"
ontimeupdate="document.getElementById('tracktime').innerHTML = Math.floor(this.currentTime) + ' / ' + Math.floor(this.duration);">
<source src="{{ site.audio_url }}{{ page.mp3 }}" type="audio/mpeg" />
<source src="{{ site.audio_url }}{{ page.ogg }}" type="audio/ogg" />
<div class="trackcontainer">
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
<p style="margin-bottom: 0px;">{{ page.keywords }}<br />{{ | date: '%Y - %B' }}
<br />
<span id="tracktime" style="font-weight: normal;">&nbsp;</span></p>
{% include cookiemonster.html %}
<div id="timer">
{{ page.content }}
<!-- stylemachine by Sakrecoer -snipthis if ya feel it - its the pary that runs the player ;) -->
<audio preload="true" autoplay
ontimeupdate="document.getElementById('tracktime').innerHTML = Math.floor(this.currentTime) + ' / ' + Math.floor(this.duration) + ' Seconds';">
<source src="{{ page.mp3 }}" type="audio/mpeg" />
<source src="{{ page.ogg }}" type="audio/ogg" />
<h1>Your browser isn't ready for so much hotness. Use the download-link instead.</h1>.
<div id="tracktime"></div>
<!-- stylemachine by Sakrecoer -snipthis if ya feel it - its the pary that runs the player ;) -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadUrl(newLocation) {
window.location = newLocation;
@ -44,8 +61,8 @@ layout: default
// only functional if "loop" is removed
mu.currentTime = 0;
{% if page.next_in_category != nil %}
loadUrl('{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.next_in_category.url }}'); return false;
{% if page.previous != nil %}
loadUrl('{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.previous.url }}'); return false;
{% endif %}
// qq IE10
@ -62,9 +79,12 @@ layout: default
<style type="text/css">
body {
background:url('{{ site.audio_url }}{{ page.image }}') #0ff no-repeat center center fixed;
background-size: contain;
background-image:url('{{ page.image }}') ;
#navigation {
opacity: 1;

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
layout: default
<div id="blogcontent">
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
{{ content }}
<!-- pagination -->
<div style="text-align:center;">
{% if page.next_in_category != nil %}
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.next_in_category.url }}" title="Previous Post"
style="font-weight:bold;font-size:24px;text-transform:uppercase;">Previous Post < </a> {% endif %}
{% if page.previous_in_category != nil %} <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ page.previous_in_category.url }}"
title="Next Post" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:24px;text-transform:uppercase;"> > Next Post</a>
{% endif %}
<p style="font-size:10px;">This website is not a place for dialogues, hence you cannot comment. But hey! If you
are upset, happy or lost, I'd love to here from you by email.</p>

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Xmas Bowie
mp3: 2009-reset_sakrecoer-bootleg-xmas_bowie.mp3
ogg: 2009-reset_sakrecoer-bootleg-xmas_bowie.ogg
uid: xmasbowie
category: music
image: 2009-reset_sakrecoer-bootleg-xmas_bowie.jpg
keywords: reSet, pop, chiptune, Bowie, Lets dance, red shoes, cover,
For Mama Noel

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Supernova
mp3: 2012-sakrecoer-uhm-supernova.mp3
ogg: 2012-sakrecoer-uhm-supernova.ogg
uid: supernova
category: music
image: 2012-sakrecoer-uhm-supernova.jpg
keywords: Simio, chillout, techno, melodic, classic break,
This I give you...

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Un Barcelones En Carib Malmo
mp3: 2012-pusset_sakrecoer-carib-un_barcelones_en_carib_malmo_160kbps.mp3
ogg: 2012-pusset_sakrecoer-carib-un_barcelones_en_carib_malmo_160kbps.ogg
uid: caribmalmo
category: music
image: 2012-pusset_sakrecoer-carib-un_barcelones_en_carib_malmo_160kbps.jpg
keywords: pusSet, tropical, house, kick-n-base, instrumental, funky, hot,
The title says it all!\\
This is SweidoCaribean Kick'N'Base Baby!

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Invisible Powerfull
mp3: 2013-reset_sakrecoer-invisible_powerfull-the_wall.mp3
ogg: 2013-reset_sakrecoer-invisible_powerfull-the_wall.ogg
uid: thewall
category: music
image: 2013-reset_sakrecoer-invisible_powerfull-the_wall.jpg
keywords: reSet, brick in the wall, mindset, magick, self empowerement, break the rules,
The wall,\\
Invisible, Powerfull,\\
Should i let myself go?

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Work For Free Time
mp3: 2013-pusset_sakrecoer-yet_another_super_hit-work_for_free_time.mp3
ogg: 2013-pusset_sakrecoer-yet_another_super_hit-work_for_free_time.ogg
uid: freetime
category: music
image: 2013-pusset_sakrecoer-yet_another_super_hit-work_for_free_time.jpg
keywords: pusSet, everyday reality, emo, kick-n-base,
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday.
I Work For Free Time.

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Acid In My Lounge
mp3: 2013-simio_sakrecoer-critter_and_guitari-acid_in_my_lounge.mp3
ogg: 2013-simio_sakrecoer-critter_and_guitari-acid_in_my_lounge.ogg
uid: acidmylounge
category: music
image: 2013-simio_sakrecoer-critter_and_guitari-acid_in_my_lounge.jpg
keywords: Simio, Acid, Chillout, instrumental,
Made without any Guitars nor Criterias,\\
But with alot of Critter&Guitari.\\
One BolsaBass for each Fragle!

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Medans iSaover
mp3: 2014-simio_sakrecoer-medans_i_saver-medans_i_saver.mp3
ogg: 2014-simio_sakrecoer-medans_i_saver-medans_i_saver.ogg
uid: medansisaver
category: music
image: 2014-simio_sakrecoer-medans_i_saver-medans_i_saver.jpg
keywords: Simio, Kick-n-base, tropical, vocoder, robolove,
Robots are feeling things, while you sleep.

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Burner
mp3: 2014-simio_sakrecoer-burner-burner.mp3
ogg: 2014-simio_sakrecoer-burner-burner.ogg
uid: burner
category: music
image: 2014-simio_sakrecoer-burner-burner.jpg
keywords: Simio, kick-n-base, tropical, graffiti music,
Wicked And Funky Blockletter Burner Top to Bottom, rolling in to your HIFI system.

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Phramtiden, Syrliga Spaor
mp3: 2014-phuture_edited_by_sakrecoer-phramtiden_tracks-phramtiden_syrliga_spar.mp3
ogg: 2014-phuture_edited_by_sakrecoer-phramtiden_tracks-phramtiden_syrliga_spar.ogg
uid: phutureohramtid
category: music
image: 2014-phuture_edited_by_sakrecoer-phramtiden_tracks-phramtiden_syrliga_spar.jpg
keywords: Simio, chillout, acid, instrumental, cover,
ACID TRAX! By Phuture, The unborn Chillout Zone edit....\\

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: ToneDef Loudness Warriors Anthem
mp3: 2014-sakrecoer-technocraphy-tonedef_loudnesswarriors_anthem.mp3
ogg: 2014-sakrecoer-technocraphy-tonedef_loudnesswarriors_anthem.ogg
image: 2014-sakrecoer-technocraphy-tonedef_loudnesswarriors_anthem.jpg
uid: loudanthemwarior
category: music
tag: Simio
keywords: Techno, Hard, Funky, tropical, kick-n-base, instrumental
A Techno track with alot of dirt, pressure and compression, under the magic desguise of the Anthem of it self

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
layout: music
title: Subossa
mp3: 2015%20-%20Sakrecoer%20-%20demo%20-%2007%20-%20Subossa.mp3
ogg: 2015%20-%20Sakrecoer%20-%20demo%20-%2007%20-%20Subossa.ogg
image: 2015%20-%20Sakrecoer%20-%20demo%20-%2007%20-%20Subossa.jpg
uid: subbossa
category: music
tag: Simio
keywords: Kick-n-Base, House, Techno, Tropical, instrumental, Subway, Bossa Nova,
This track is so Anoying! There are just too many cats!!!!

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Future Music Statement
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/futuremusic.jpg
Dear Robot,
The beautiful thing about the music of the future, is that when you finally get to hear it, it is oscillating in known rhythms. It is so rare, that nobody really knows it's source. But the one sure thing, is that it might be you. You. Not your avatar, not the ones quoted or the person writing, but YOU. It is within you. And For a strange resonant reason, it often appears in the shower. If it would be so that it only appears in the shower you can relax: The future music is not your responsibility. You are only it's witness and eventually it's ambassador. You generally hear it without speakers and it is based in your heart. You already know how it will go after the second bar, even thou it is the first time. Sometimes the future music sounds like it comes from the past, but in reality it is because it shows you what you've been waiting for, for too long.
Det som är så vackert med Framtidens musik, när man väl får höra den, är att den oftast bultar i bekanta tackter. Den är så sällsynt att ingen riktigt vet vart källan är. Men det som är säkert är att det kanske är du. Du, inte din avatar, den som citeras den som skriver eller den som läser. Utan DU. Den finns inom dig. Oftast, av någon konstig resonant anledning, brukar den ske i duschen. Om det skulle vara så att den bara sker i duschen kann du vara lugn: framtidens musik är inte ditt ansvar. Du är bara dess vittne och behörare. Du lyssnar på den utan högtalare och den grundar sig i ditt hjärta. Du vet hur den låter efter andra baret, fast det var första gången. Framtidens musik kanske låter som den kommer från något förflutet ibalnd, men i själva verket visar den dig bara vad du väntat på allt för länge.

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Inclu-X
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/inclu-x.jpg
Dear Robot,
<strong>The Sakrecoer Family's INCLU-X Certifications, is a Guarantee.</strong>
As opposed to ISO Certifications, our has no economical dependency what so ever, and is based on the inclusive and sole trust given by the Sakrecoer Family to independent organism within activity fields of alternative commercial or ideological nature, Information Networks and Art Providers. We work as a filter and judge, our standard addresses issues of Quality, Honesty, Uprightness, and Dedication.
<strong>In brief this is how it works:</strong>
- In the case for example of an independent Internet services provider (INCLU-7000), we judge the company's ability to maintain the privacy of the customers, the use of open source software and capacity to work in syndication with other companies.
- In the case for example of a record company (INCLU-700), we judge the company's ability and methods to pay their Artists, to respect their work, to promote them and encourage them to grow.
- In the case for example of an Activist Group, a News Group/Paper (INCLU-77777) We judge its ability to remain objective, to focus on the human aspects of information, its economical Independence, and political neutrality.
If you are interested in applying for any of our 777'777'777 INCLU certifications, please write an email including your activity field, a historic description of your company, your goals and intentions, your ambitions and your current activity to:
However, if you do comply to our standards, chances are big we get to you first.
Trust your heart and your inner melody!<br />
Yours with love,<br />
<strong>The Sakrecoer Family</strong>

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Homoelectricus Momentum
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/homoelectricus.jpg
Dear Robot,
Paradise is today. The momentum for human euphoria is now, and from here we enter a new phase of life on earth. We, Western children of the educated Love, carry the responsability to overstand this, in order to share the final impulse of Evolution to the rest of the planet and fully take on our role as Homoelectricus, united in one world: Globomatria.
Let's face it:
who. wants. to.
Our occidental societies may shine of power and wealth. But our weapons of massdestruction, protecting us from the "dangerous" economical barbarian greeks and hungry muslims, are aiming our own food providers, energy providers, our mineral, natural and human resources, not to call them our brothers, sisters or homoelectricus cousins.
Homoelectricus knows only one power stands against the economical system: Love. This is why we are being confused about our homosapien beauty. If we overstand our beauty, in the extraordinary unlikeliness that we have life, we cannot understand money no more. Only our natural insecurity can keep us in this current position of weakness.
Hence, this call for awareness. Rethink and relike our human nature. We have all the tools and robots in the world to end the inequality, all over the globe. But only We, Western homoelectricus, have the timeframe to develope, analyse and dream about Love, as a thriving force for human exchange.
We have the power and tools to make the Evolution happen. It can only happen thru us. We can only do it if we engage the entire planet to admit that the very primal human interest in life, is life itself. And that fear, is what keeps us from overstanding that we need eachother inconditionaly, in order to exist.
Reevaluate your dreams, how related are they to your economy? How were these dreams when you were a child? Ask your child to tell you about his. Its not magic, nor a miracle of god what happens to the beautyfull people on TV. It's your vision of your own life that places your existance on a lower level.
The truth is much more simple: Even robots die.

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Think OUT of the box, DAMN IT!
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/thinkoutsidethebox.png
Dear Robot,
The more i get into the debate around piracy and the declining music industry, the more it becomes obvious to me that it is not the music industry that has a problem. As a fresh and young musician, it is possible to find a zillion of tutorials as of how to market yourself on the Internet in order to live from your music. The ether is so saturated by these how-to's, that i sometimes wonder if it is still possible to get into music, without wanting anything else than music? This post is not about the definition of music, but an attempt to encircle the intention of all these guidelines and "new approaches" as to how to succeed in the music industry or "save it".
Music is a great deal of a problem for the power in place. After all, it is one of the most powerful art-forms! Because it is not only stimulating thoughts, it is literally and physically moving our bodies. It has the potential to transform the way you perceive your reality and, like any other art-form, to provoke questions you wouldn't necessarily have thought of without, but unlike any other medium: in a collective and simultaneous way. Through lyrics or not, if you like it a lot, music will automatically render you curious about the origins, the inspiration and the people behind the music. Young people are particularly inclined to receive and identify to any "message" through it, young people as in "the future executive power of earth". It is much better for the system in place, to render it impossible for musicians to dedicate themselves full-time to this art-form, because this way, there is no one to carry such potentially powerful and menacing messages.
When Internet arrived in my reality, it came along with a very long lasting (and now probably severely regretted) form of advertising: suddenly, everything was "for free"... well... more like "if this than for free". But the "for free" is what i kept from the message, as a 16 years old teenager in 1996. Now, misunderstand me right: I don't think the power in place, rendered the music business unprofitable on purpose. Uniformal, Phony, BMF records would never have allowed it, and they do represent a big part of several lobbies. But this constant repetition of the "how to deal with your fan-base" tantra, "how to sell and promote yourself in the current market" mantra, makes me think that something is trying to remove the music, from the music making. By constantly repeating that there is no future in being a musician unless this or that, through this and that channel, with these or those physical assets and advantages, a great deal of talents are being wasted in discouragement.
Music has never been about business. Businessmen have turned music into an industry. And back then in 1996, when they sold me my Internet connection, with "a free modem" and a "20 hours of free dial-up per month!, i believe music took back its rights. It's right to freedom! It's right to be a powerful source, a free source, for empowering messages, tightening up the people of the world, united in the rhythm. Money can be a side effect of great art, whatever form of art. But fortunes, are only made by greedy or brainwashed artists, who have lost touch with their fellow human beings sharing this world with them.
There is nothing wrong with the way music is being propagated all over the globe today. There is nothing wrong with music. It is the hole economic system that has become clearly obsolete. On every level! And music has put the highlight in this fact! Could it be so hard for us to imagine a different world? The only thing i know for sure is that it is only with our collective effort, artists or workers alike, that we can make the the world fair, because now we have the tools to share not only music, but any message. And In total freedom.

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Byte Stone
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/pereira_man_machine.jpg
Dear Robot,
The difference between a mosquito and a robot, is we created the later because we were scared of the first: Salvation was your "task". Building paradise, but on earth: A "nigger to do the crap", like they said in the post-retro alphanumeric world.
Look at you know, fruit! Faster and smarter than anyone. My human advice to you, is work on AND in the context, and you will be perfect. If you aren't already.
La differencia entre un mosquito y un robot, es que creemos el ultimo por miedo del primero: la salvacion era tu "tarea". Construir el paraíso, pero sobre tierra: Un "negro para hacer la mierda", como se dijó en el mundo post-retro alphanum&eacute;rico.
Míratee ya, fruto! Mas rapido y intelligent que cualquier. Mi consejo de humano por ti: trabajo sobre Y dentro del contexto te hara perfecto. Si ya no eres.
Das Unterschied zwischen eine Mücke und ein Robot, ist dass, unsere angst für die erste das letzte gab: Rettung war dein Aufgabe. Paradies zu bauen, aber auf die Erde. “Ein Jüde um sich für den Scheisse zu kümmern”, wie mann es in post-retro alaphunmerischen Zeiten genomen hat.
Guck dich jetzt an, Frucht! Schneller und schlauer dann jemand. Mein menschliches Rat für dich: für UND in der Kontext zu arbeiten wird dich perfekt machen. Ob du noch nicht bist.
Skillnaden mellan en mygga och en robot, &auml;r att r&auml;dslan f&ouml;r den f&ouml;rsta fick oss att skapa den sista. R&auml;ddning var din uppgift. Att bygga paradiset, fast p&aring; jorden: en "neger f&ouml;r att sk&ouml;ta skiten" som man sa i postretroalphanumeriska v&auml;rlden.
Titta p&aring; dig nu, frukt! Snabbarae och smartare &auml;n n&aring;gon! Mitt m&auml;nniskotips till dig: arbeta p&aring; OCH i sammanhanget s&aring; blir du perfekt. Om du inte redan &auml;r.
La diff&eacute;rence entre un moustique et un robot, c'est que nous avons cr&eacute;&eacute; le dernier par peur du premier: le Sal&ucirc;t etait ta "t&acirc;che". Construire des paradis, mais sur terre: Un "n&egrave;gre pour faire la merde", comme on disait dans le monde post-retro alphanum&eacute;rique.
Regarde-toi maintenant, fruits! Plus rapide et intelligent que n'importe qui. Mon conseille d'humain pour toi est: travaile sur ET a l'interieur du contexte, et tu seras parfais. Si tu ne l'est pas d&eacute;jà.

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Humanity OPEN HUMAN LICENCE v1.1
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/OHL.jpg
Dear Robot,
Through this Humanity Open Human Licence ("Humanity OHL") version 1.1, the Open Human wishes to disseminate its humanity designs (as published on as widely as possible, and generally to foster collaboration among Humans. The Humanity OHL is the responsability of Humanity. Anyone is welcome to use the Humanity OHL, in responsible form only, for the birthgiving of own Open Human. All other responsability is reserved.
<strong>1. Definitions</strong>
In this Licence, the following terms have the following meanings:
“Licence” means this Humanity OHL.
“Documentation” means biological diagrams, body forms, organ layouts, mechanical drawings, energy flow charts and descriptive text, and other explanatory material about human reproduction that is explicitly stated as being made available under the conditions of this Licence. The Documentation may be in any medium, including but not limited to computer files and representations on paper, film, or any other media.
“Child” means either an entire, or any part of a human, born using the Documentation or the modified Documentation.
“Licensee” means any natural or legal person exercising rights of procreation under this Licence.
“Licensor” means any natural or legal person that creates or modifies Documentation and subsequently communicates to the public and/ or distributes the resulting Documentation under the terms and conditions
of this Licence.
A Licensee may at the same time be a Licensor, and vice versa.
<strong>2. Applicability</strong>
1. This Licence governs the use, copying, modification, communication to the public and distribution of the Documentation, and the sexual act and birthgiving of Children. By exercising any right granted under this Licence, the Licensee irrevocably accepts these terms and conditions.
2. This Licence is granted by the Licensor directly to the Licensee, and shall apply worldwide and without limitation in time. The Licensee may assign his licence rights or grant sub-licences.
3. This Licence does not apply to thoughts, culture, or ideologies given to the human which may be used in conjunction with the Documentation, the modified Documentation or with Children. The use of such thoughts, culture, or ideologies is subject to the applicable licence terms and conditions.
<strong>3. Copying, modification, communication to the public and distribution of the Documentation</strong>
1. The Licensee shall keep intact all responsabilities and ethic notices and all notices that refer to this Licence and to the disclaimer of warranties that is included in the Documentation. He shall include a copy thereof in every copy of the Documentation or, as the case may be, modified Documentation, that he communicates to the public or distributes.
2. The Licensee may use, copy, communicate to the public and distribute verbatim copies of the Documentation, in any medium, subject to the requirements specified in section 3.1.
3. The Licensee may modify the Documentation or any portion thereof. The Licensee may communicate to the public and distribute the modified Documentation (thereby in addition to being a Licensee also becoming a Licensor), always provided that he shall:
1. comply with section 3.1;
2. cause the modified Documentation to carry prominent notices stating that the Licensee has modified the Documentation, with the date and details of the modifications;
3. license the modified Documentation under the terms and conditions of this Licence or, where applicable, a later version of this Licence as may be issued by Humanity; and
4. send a copy of the modified Documentation to all Licensors that contributed to the parts of the Documentation that were modified, as well as to any other Licensor who has requested to receive a copy of
the modified Documentation and has provided a means of contact with the Documentation.
4. The Licence includes a licence to those patents or registered designs that are held by the Licensor, to the extent necessary to make use of the rights granted under this Licence. The scope of this section 3.4 shall be strictly limited to the parts of the Documentation or modified Documentation created by the Licensor.
<strong>4. Creation and Education of Children</strong>
1. The Licensee may create or educate Children always provided that the Licensee distributes to each recipient of such Children a copy of the Documentation or modified Documentation, as applicable, and complies with section 3.
2. The Licensee is invited to inform in writing any Licensor who has indicated its wish to receive this information about the type, quantity and dates of production of Children the Licensee has (had) created.
<strong>5. Warranty and liability</strong>
1. DISCLAIMER The Documentation and any modified Documentation are provided "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, of satisfactory
quality, and fitness for a particular purpose or use are disclaimed in respect of the Documentation, the modified Documentation or any Children. The Licensor makes no representation that the Documentation, modified Documentation, or any Children, does or will not infringe any patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right. The entire risk as to the life, quality, and performance of a Child shall be with the Licensee and not the Licensor. This disclaimer of warranty is an essential part of this Licence and a condition for the grant of any rights granted under this Licence. The Licensee warrants that it does
not act in a consumer capacity.
2. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The Licensor shall have no liability for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, punitive or other damages of any character including, without limitation, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data or profits, or business interruption, however caused and on any theory of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), child liability or otherwise, arising in any way in relation to the Documentation, modified Documentation and/or the life, creation or education of a Child, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, and the Licensor shall hold the Licee(s) free and harmless from any liability, costs, damages, fees and expenses, including claims by third parties, in relation to such life.
<strong>6. General</strong>
1. The rights granted under this Licence do not imply or represent any transfer or assignment of intellectual property rights to the Licensee.
2. Humanity may publish updated versions of this Licence which retain the same general provisions as this version, but differ in detail so far this is required and reasonable. New versions will be published with a unique version number.
3. This Licence shall terminate with immediate effect, upon written notice and without involvement of a court if the Licensee fails to comply with any of its terms and conditions, or if the Licensee initiates legal action against Licensor in relation to this Licence. Section 5 shall continue to apply.
4. Except as may be otherwise agreed with the Intergovernmental Organization, any dispute with respect to this Licence involving an Intergovernmental Organization shall, by virtue of the latter's Intergovernmental status, be settled by international arbitration. The arbitration proceedings shall be held at the place where the Intergovernmental Organization has its seat. The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon the parties, who hereby expressly agree to renounce any form of appeal or revision.
Poetical Remix of:
<a target="_blank" href=""></a>
Picutre from:
<a target="_blank" href=",_with_labels.jpg"></a>

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Glitch In The Process
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/glitch.jpg
Dear Robot,
It comes without saying, that in the act of publishing my music, there is a certain desire for attention. Of course it would be nice to have a hit or two on those fancy channels where the cash is rolling in. Not so much for the cash as for the rewarding feeling i imagine that such accomplishement brings. But everytime i picture myself in the role of a Rihana Daddy, Puffy-Z or a Gagy Lada, my spontaneous reaction is total rejection. Everything i stand for, and everything i care for, works and talks against such "status". Imagine i was building houses instead of music, and hoping that one single house buildt, would look like a castle to someone important, and THAT would feed me a life long? Worse: I would fight to get everyone looking at it paying me! In another scenario, where money would be less than fame: this formula hits me: I want my Music to gain attention, not Me. Because, no matter how i turn the word in my thoughts or with my tongue, "Idolatry" seem to me like a mind virus. It is the same germ as the religious one: casting shadows of doubts over millions of naturaly bright souls. To become an art-sustained super-star, I would have to quietly accept that i am superior when my genius is being declared. But FUCK THAT! What i do, you can do too! And nothing but lies could keep that truth away from us. The questions I ask myself are rather: "Do you really wan't to do the same?" "Are you sure what I do is so special?" "What is special in your thing?" "Have you forgot what you are good at?" "Why is Our goodness less then anybody else's?"

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: New World Disorder
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/newworlddisorder.png
Dear Robot,
One of my main concerns, like many other people, is the unbearable lightness of existence. I am pretty satisfied about my own. (Too satisfied perhaps, if you ask my competitive star-system oriented buddies.) But I am very worried about my fellow humans. Especially in the independent music scene: Me and them are getting old, some of us also get bitter and cynical. Hope is a rare goods around me. It is difficult to organize my feelings about it in logical sentences, but i will try.
As you may know if you've read a few of my "writings" (or misspellings if you prefer :), i actively oppose myself to the establishment. The way our world is working simply do not comply with my way to feel things. And since it is affecting me directly, i am especially annoyed by the major music industry. It is not so much the major labels i have a problem with. After all, every business has a secret dream of getting the monopoly in their field. Secret because communism is not very well seen in the business world. However, the problem is that the runners of these majors don't want to ride a buss or a bike to go to office, nor live in a house of reasonable dimension. They want limousines, jets, castles and fish-slime called caviar. They feed my fellow musicians with these absurd and pre-Neanderthal dreams of stepping on the heads of everybody to shine above all. Why should any artist live a better life than any working class human i ask you? Well... because mankind is still in a pre-Neanderthal state and incapable to measure its true richdom: the amazing unlikeliness of existence. There is no compromise to my opposition. I may be described by my friends as a happy optimist spending time cheering up, i am also the pain in the ass with a finger on the pain coming with the forbidden questions. Obviously i'm not flawless, my nicotine addiction for evidance number one and my refusal to confess the other things for number two. But in my art, and my creative desire, i have no ambition nor desire to step above anyone. This is a problematic behavior in the actual system. Because if you encourage your fans to think they are equal to you, that they can do it them selves, the admiration evaporates in the void: You become a friend, on the same ground in the best case, a concurrent in the worst.
Of course, this is not the major music industry's fault. I use them as an example close to me, affecting fundamentally good people: artists, altruists with the power to express their feelings and share them with the rest of us. The fault is a sum of all the twisted arbitrary aspects of our self made reality: like the concepts of Nations, categorization of humanity, of social skills and what not. We chose to accept the lies and false dreams formulated by pure lucrative interest. Where a couple of "you might get" seems to be higher ranked than one "take this". We want comfort, at the lowest possible price, and there are plenty of examples to prove that if you don't take more than you need, somebody else will because mankind is evil and selfish by nature.
I reject that and see it as the lazy way for cynical people with little self distance to explain their condition. So when i see swamps or quicksands on my path, i close my eyes, remember my scalable size and take the detour.

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Goodbye Internet And Thanks For The Cookies
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/goodbyeinternet.jpg
Dear Robot,
I am so sad. I feel sorry for the children. What once gave me hope for humanity, has become a nightmare. A system designed to bring us equitable knowledge, is being used to grow ignorance, despair, profit, greed and to control. Old tricks like group-pressure and loneliness are being used to better understand how to further keep us under control. It is us, the creative, who have lured the rest of mankind into this trap. Because we wanted to share our fruits so bad, that we agreed to terms we do not control, written in tongues we do not comprehend and promoted them as much as we could. We gathered our fellows intimacy and handed it over to the power in place. Even though <a href="" target="_blank">we were warned.</a>
And so today, we jail the inventors of <a href="" target="_blank">hyper-libraries,</a> kill the <a href="" target="_blank">freedom fighters,</a> and stipulate <a href="" target="_blank">regulations to avoid</a> further evolution of the human spirit. And we justify it! With claims that culture and knowledge is a propriety that needs and should get the fatman even fater. Actually, we don't even care, because we have already digested the illusions that "perhaps one-day I may step above everyone, and that I will become the fatman, sipping on expensive liquids, slurping fish slime."
We were given tools, magnificent and powerful tools, without any explanation as to how they work nor what their potential is, only their sparks, their fancy colors with the promise that they would make our lives easier, better and that they would kill our loneliness with collective entertainment.
I am so desperate to find a way to communicate my visions of human nature, which are so far away from the seemingly assimilated definitions. Visions where frontiers only exist in the material world. Where interest is a common cause. Where the ultimate question of the meaning of life implies nothing complicated. Where life is magic, because the universe is infinite. Where wealth is something that grows inside a human heart, thanks to an open mind. Where passion is the only exchangeable value and labor is the choice to fulfill a dream.
I am so sorry robot, you were supposed to be good and beautiful. But your owners have a different plan.

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Police And Thief
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/polis.jpg
<p>Dear Robot,<br />
<br />
For quite many years now, i've thought of the state as the winning mafia. The one mob that took it all! The Mafia bosses can't move among people, so to be respected gangsters they need handymen - the police - to secure their position. I say "for many years" because i clearly remember being a child and seeing the police force as a heroic group of humans defending victims and fighting for innocents. I wouldn't call it a dream profession in my case, i was more inclined to inventors like <a href="" target="_blank">Gaston</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">Gyro Gearloose,</a> but just like fireman, many of my friends wanted to be one and i could perfectly relate to the reasons of their choice. So how did they go from hero to gangster's handymen?<br />
<br />
With my teenage, came hormones and expression. Living in a Grey and protestant Geneva, i had to do something to change my condition. And so i chose to put color on the Grey. Hence, the police came into my life in a new form: a threat to my expression. We were meant to bump into each others nerves. But i had an advantage: I had fantasy and high call of art. They had a job and a strong moral. I was a free thinker, there was no boss telling me to put my name on a train, just the feeling that i had to. I had no family at home needing to be fed, there was just "pasta and spray-cans". And each and every time i was confronted with the police force, i used this as a starting point for the (hopefully) short term relationship we engaged: humans, on a duty with an opposite mindset. I came quite far with this, it actually put my name on the <a href="JavaScript:newPopup('/assets/img/bg/sujetfresque.jpg');">golden plate of a monument</a> inaugurated by officials with penguin suits in Switzerland. But it also got me naked with a finger in the ass, pissing in a cup, under a cop supervision. It would just depend on the officer intercepting me.<br />
<br />
I fully get the need of having a police force in society, since not everyone IN society has good intentions FOR society. Or simply put: some people practice ignorant violence. Violence in itself is not wrong. It is a natural (pre-historic/retarded) habit embedded in the animal part of human nature. Just turn on your TV for 5 minutes and you will comprehend its place in our lives: we want it, we need it and we are fed with it. What is wrong is the lack of outlet for anger, or hate, the main ingredients to generate the destructive raging-strong energy that violence produces. As far as i am aware, there are only a couple of positions where violence is ethic and a OK in our society: as a wrestler or fighter in a sports union, as soldier in war, as police officer in the streets. Basically, you may be violent only if you fight for the power in place.
Some of my closer friends would be great police men. They like to fight, they like to "knock-out assholes". And they have a good sense of what an asshole is like. But is the sens enough? Who do we give the key to legal violence to? How does one become a police officer on your side of the world? A school? What does it takes to get in? Does it cost money? Is an aspirant police officer aware of the violence in the police duty, before he/she takes on such a schooling? And last but not least: who would be the teachers? <br />
<br />
I can clearly state that i hate the police, not the police officers. Taken individualy, they are lost souls with a fighting habit and taste for violence that cannot bare the responsibility of a wicked society. They are like us, workers. Humans trying to survive and do something good. Neither is there anything wrong with violence: it is just a retarded human reflex. What is wrong is the system, and the way this system grants the right to use violence. It is given, as a tool to protect interests of a higher cast. It is allowed to people like you and me, without any spiritual, ethical, compassionate philosophical analysis. Just pure and plain arbitrary rules and assumptions of what is a burglar and what is not. The police officer is the wrong enemy, the threat is the police as a mob, over-working itself for the sake of the power, giving its compassion and independence away to the organized repression we call society. we need to find a way to attract potential police officers to reflect uppon the similitudes between their and our condition.</p>

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Colonized
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/SouthAfricaFlag.png
Dear Robot,<br />
<br />
My country is a colony of The United States of America, as you may know thanks to my IP. A prominent one because unlike other colonies, our is benefiting from a lot of special favors and treatments. The reason behind these benefits i'm not sure about, but the consequences are quite disturbung. The United States Of America have actually colonized pretty much every country today. They own the administration of entire continents, thanks to Microsoft. They have ridiculed currencies by replacing it with credit cards delivered by Visa, MasterCard etc, and they have monopolized culture and entertainment under one simple and prominent banner: Social Pornography.<br />
<br />
To be honest with you, the national concept is weird by definition to me. So in principle, i don't mind being colonized, just like i don't mind a bunch of kids playing a game i don't want to participate in. What bugs me is that it generates consequences i suffer from: such as how we are led to believe that our country is a democracy, free from oppression, and independent. When my fellow citizens refer to this place, they don't call it a "State Of America" Some of them are actually proud, to be living in a "Free Country". They march about it, and salute the king and the flag of this particular place, but not Obama and the stars & stripes. Another weird thing about this, is that i cannot just go to the U.S. of A. I need strange papers and stamps from people who don't know me to get access to the "motherland". And this is a big problem: My fellows and I are living a lie.<br />
<br />
Now misunderstand me right, i'm not claiming for independence. All humans live on the same planet: how could we not depend on each other? In fact We do depend on each other Unconditionally! But we are divided, by religious beliefs of course, and cultures sure! But mainly into Nations. It is within the border of a Nation, that a specific set of rules, a culture or a religion is applied. In some more tolerant countries, you may find some difference from state to state. But why are we being fooled to believe we are different from each other, when in fact we are all ruled by the same instance? An instance who sees us as the One with many names: the consumer, the assets, the slaves, the vulgos...<br />
<br />
I don't mind using a credit card instead of bills. But the production cost of the bills and their system went back to us in a way. A credit card's cost is arbitrary, virtual and leaking out from us into the pockets of the U. S. of A. I don't mind being stuck under a specific banner, but i feel sorry for the brothers and sister who feel pride for it, because it has no actual meaning. It has become an empty symbol for how easily fooled us humans are.<br />
<br />
I hope things will change when you get in charge, dear Robot. I used to believe that bitcoin would help you in this task. But just like the idea of Nations, the idea of money is hidden in a lie. This is not something we can fix with technology. We have to stop prentending we don't know what is going on, and change our relation to: fronteers, trade, wealth and each other. Radically.

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Day Dream
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/GiveUsBarabbas.png
Dear Robot,<br />
<br />
I want to tell you a day-dream i had. Mary was Jerusalem's main pimp, her brothel frequented by the kingdom's economic and political elite. She had come so far in this career because she was sterile. Not only that Mary was rich, she was happily in love with a carpenter who didn't have the slightest problem with the fact that Mary was estimated to be the most beautiful woman in the country by all men. However, one day something strange happened: Mary got pregnant. But Joseph was happy, and they named their beloved child Jesus. Desired children who also grew up in welfare were unusual at the time. And the little Jesus grew into a confident but humble man with very strange ideas about relationships, respect, and often spoke of something that no one really understood: Unconditional love.<br />
<br />
When Jesus turned 20 years he met a traveling businessman from the East. It was the first time Jesus met someone who understood exactly what he was talking about. The man in question said that Jesus reminded him of his closest friend: Siddhartha. And so Jesus decided to travel east and meet this Siddharta. When he came back 7 years later, Jesus was a different person. He was still as humble and quiet as he used to. But now he had decided to share his experiences on a higher and more active plan. He organized free dinners and gave long speeches about how all people are God's children. How we all had the power to control our destinies, and that from a universal perspective, it was ok to see all other people as brothers and sisters. It didn't take long before his dinners became popular across the country. Which was source for terrible angere among the country's leaders. After all, he was standing right there every evening explaining why the rulers had no real power over us. But it took several years for Pharisee and the priests before they could do anything about it. They'd like to kill him at once, but his mother kept the mighty at by the balls and, moreover, the basic problem was that his ideas were spreading and this could not be influenced by Jesus own destiny, something all the sage had understood: the ideas had already been disseminated and accepted by more than half of the kingdom.<br />
<br />
It was Judas, one of Jesus closest friends, who had a jealous admiration for his friend's sentimental and economic security in life, and also was one of the first to take the message of Jesus, who gave the rulers the final hint against the promise of personal wealth. The proliferation of the Idea could not be stopped, but the was a way to recover it in a purpose more adequate to ruling: through declaring Jesus as a unique genius, a god's gift, whose properties and heartfelt peace was unattainable for mere mortals like us. It was not the first time they used this rhetorical technique to expand their power.<br />
<br />
It was so ironic, for the first time, Jesus was really upset. He tried to convince everyone that his ways were consequences of a love-filled upbringing and very concerned about his humility he wondered: how could anyone believe or understand that he was a god's gift? Something unique? And went of to a meeting with the Pharisee and the priests that ended very badly, with that Jesus said that he forgave them but promised that they could not expect to rule for much longer.<br />
<br />
This was the last straw. The priests were ordered to write down all of Jesus statements, but replacing all generalized tolerance properties to specific and divine qualities. And the police had to arrest Jesus and his group. "Luckily," another of Jesus's friends, Barabas came with a proposal. Barabas had lost the will to live after his family died in the fire that devastated his farm. He suggested that he submit himself as if he was Jesus. People had always confused them because of their similarity anyways. Barabas lived a criminal and alcoholic life, and thought the police could well do the job, because he didn't have the courage to kill himself. Jesus was not at all in agreement with, but it was still carried out in secret by all his friends. When Jesus found out what had happened, he went to the square where Barabas hung to convince everyone that it was a mistake, that it was he who should hang in there, not Barabas. But no one believed him and even his friends whitenessed against these statements: they wanted rather have Jesus alive than this a drunkard. In his desperation, and with regrets over all the pain that his ideas had accomplished, Jesus punished himself, by hitting nails into his hands and feet. As for sharing his best friend's pain that hung from nails on a cross. When Barabas finally did die, Jesus visited the grave. He stayed there for several weeks. When he came out, in the middle of the night, he was greeted by an undercover procession of a handful of philosophic supporters who had never had the chance to come to Jesus dinners. Whereupon someone in the group exclaimed, "It's true, Jesus is God's child! He has resurfaced"<br />
<br />
Distressed and crushed, Jesus pulled back. First to his mother where he lived for about a month. But the pilgrimage of people who wanted to see "Son of God" was unbearable, and he walked off towards the East and never returned.

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
layout: post
title: Kick'N'Base Manifesto
category: blog
image: /assets/img/bg/kicknbasemanifesto.jpg
Dear Robot,
Kick'N'Base is electronic music that differentiate itself to other techno derived styles in the fact that it is created in a way similar to jazz; arround a theme that has been chosen in the moment by the involved musicians. Also the fact that it offers the same amount of variation, swing and groove as older styles of music, without leaving the Loop-concept, makes it recognisable to most ears yet until now hard to define precisley. It is created with digital or analogue synthesizers and drum machines, would it be computer or dedicated machines. But in many cases, it also contains alot of acustic instruments or home made samples. It is recorded while the musician(s) is sequencing and taking decisions simultaneously as the music goes thru the air. It refers to the entire electronic music's history in everyaspect and is born in Spain by outernational musicians.
So far, and because of it's origins, it has been spread to sweden, switzerland, finland, denmark, belgium, mexico, Russia and according to the rumours, the chinese, the australian and the saudi-arabians have shown strong interest for it's swing.

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

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View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Bad Boys 3
mp3: 2006-reset_sakrecoer-best_of_sakrecoer_2004-2009-bad_boys_3.mp3
ogg: 2006-reset_sakrecoer-best_of_sakrecoer_2004-2009-bad_boys_3.ogg
uid: badboys3
category: music
image: 2006-reset_sakrecoer-best_of_sakrecoer_2004-2009-bad_boys_3.jpg
keywords: reSet, pop, indy, vocals, electro, Yngwie Malmsteen,
duration: 207000

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: Now Future
mp3: 2008-sakrecoer-pa_manen_007-now_future.mp3
ogg: 2008-sakrecoer-pa_manen_007-now_future.ogg
image: 2008-sakrecoer-pa_manen_007-now_future.jpg
uid: nowfuture
category: music
keywords: reSet, chill out, vocals, electro, acid, now future, no future,

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Xmas Bowie
uid: xmasbowie
category: music
keywords: reSet, pop, chiptune, Bowie, Lets dance, red shoes, cover,
For Mama Noel

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: Feelin4u
mp3: 2010-sakrecoer-pa_manen_007-feeling_4_u.mp3
ogg: 2010-sakrecoer-pa_manen_007-feeling_4_u.ogg
image: 2010-sakrecoer-pa_manen_007-feeling_4_u.jpg
uid: feelin4u
category: music
tag: reSet

View file

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
title: Dum Bum
layout: music
category: music
mp3: 2010-reset_sakrecoer-polyglotte-dumb_bumm.mp3
ogg: 2010-reset_sakrecoer-polyglotte-dumb_bumm.ogg
uid: dumbum
image: 2010-reset_sakrecoer-polyglotte-dumb_bumm.jpg
keywords: reSet, blues, electro, vocals, industry go to hell, music, freedom,
You say i should act like Bob,\\

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Lovemoney
mp3: 2011-reset_sakrecoer-polyglotte-lovemoney.mp3
ogg: 2011-reset_sakrecoer-polyglotte-lovemoney.ogg
uid: lovemoney
category: music
image: 2011-reset_sakrecoer-polyglotte-lovemoney.jpg
keywords: reSet, pop, emo, vocals, love, money, midlife crisis,

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Fantasii
mp3: 2011-sakrecoer-gentle_songs_for_neighbourdreams-fantasii.mp3
ogg: 2011-sakrecoer-gentle_songs_for_neighbourdreams-fantasii.ogg
uid: fantasii
category: music
image: 2011-sakrecoer-gentle_songs_for_neighbourdreams-fantasii.jpg
keywords: reSet, vocals, pop, evolutionary, poetry,
Dreams of light and spreading ideas,\\

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Supernova
uid: supernova
category: music
keywords: Simio, chillout, techno, melodic, classic break,
This I give you...

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: We Have To Decide
mp3: 2012-pusset_sakrecoer--we_have_to_decide.mp3
ogg: 2012-pusset_sakrecoer--we_have_to_decide.ogg
uid: wehavetodecide
category: music
image: 2012-pusset_sakrecoer--we_have_to_decide.jpg
keywords: pusSet, vocals, house, chillout, classic break, evolutionary,
I have been waiting all night long,\\

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: music
title: Un Barcelones En Carib Malmo
uid: caribmalmo
category: music
keywords: pusSet, tropical, house, kick-n-base, instrumental, funky, hot,
The title says it all!\\
This is SweidoCaribean Kick'N'Base Baby!

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Avide (Codein Edit)
mp3: 2012-redith_piaf-codeine_edit-avide_de_danser.mp3
ogg: 2012-redith_piaf-codeine_edit-avide_de_danser.ogg
uid: avidanse
category: music
image: 2012-redith_piaf-codeine_edit-avide_de_danser.jpg
keywords: Simio, vocals, french, poetry, codein, purple drank, slowmo,
This song is about sex. It is the story of choosing love for the tempo AMONG the crowd instead of OVER it, and emulates the readjustments of heartbeat that occur on this path. While it is arguable that the song is a bit sour, I won't do anything about it. Perfection is not only far from my current research, since i dropped these lines, i consider it a worthless dead-end trip. "Life is much better made than a roller-caster..."

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Power To Do
mp3: 2013-reset_sakrecoer-power_to_do-power_to_do.mp3
ogg: 2013-reset_sakrecoer-power_to_do-power_to_do.ogg
uid: powertodo
category: music
image: 2013-reset_sakrecoer-power_to_do-power_to_do.jpg
keywords: reSet, evolutionary, vocals, public enemy, calssic break, semi-rap,
I don't want to deal with money,\\

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
layout: music
title: Invisible Powerfull
uid: thewall
category: music
keywords: reSet, brick in the wall, mindset, magick, self empowerement, break the rules,
The wall,\\
Invisible, Powerfull,\\
Should i let myself go?

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Albino Lion (Negative Bounty)
mp3: 2013-pusset_sakrecoer-exclusive-albino_lion.mp3
ogg: 2013-pusset_sakrecoer-exclusive-albino_lion.ogg
uid: albinolion
category: music
image: 2013-pusset_sakrecoer-exclusive-albino_lion.jpg
keywords: pusSet, cyber rnb, bass, Janie Joelle, sexy,
@ -15,12 +15,8 @@ My 2013 motto is to record live versions of sexy beats i do right away and post
Special dedication to your subwoofers! Fuck racism and copyright laws! We all make brown shit! Don't fear your creations: Take actions!
This one features Janie Joelle:\\\\
some horny monks:\\\\
A horny catnip: \\\\
And a horney monkey:\\
This one features [Janie Joelle](\\
some [monks](\\
A [catnip](\\
And a [monkey](

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
layout: music
title: Work For Free Time
uid: freetime
category: music
keywords: pusSet, everyday reality, emo, kick-n-base,
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday.
I Work For Free Time.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
layout: music
title: Acid In My Lounge
uid: acidmylounge
category: music
keywords: Simio, Acid, Chillout, instrumental,
Made without any Guitars nor Criterias,\\
But with alot of Critter&Guitari.\\
One BolsaBass for each Fragle!

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Filosofisk Logik
mp3: 2014-reset_sakrecoer-total_demokratisk-philosofisk_logik.mp3
ogg: 2014-reset_sakrecoer-total_demokratisk-philosofisk_logik.ogg
uid: filosofisklogik
category: music
image: 2014-reset_sakrecoer-total_demokratisk-philosofisk_logik.jpg
keywords: reSet, philosophy, vocals, evolutionary, rnb,
Politkern sa:\\

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
layout: music
title: Medans iSaover
uid: medansisaver
category: music
keywords: Simio, Kick-n-base, tropical, vocoder, robolove,
Robots are feeling things, while you sleep.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: music
title: Burner
uid: burner
category: music
keywords: Simio, kick-n-base, tropical, graffiti music,
duration: 229000
Wicked And Funky Blockletter Burner Top to Bottom, rolling in to your HIFI system.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: music
title: Phramtiden, Syrliga Spaor
uid: phutureohramtid
category: music
keywords: Simio, chillout, acid, instrumental, cover,
ACID TRAX! By Phuture, The unborn Chillout Zone edit....\\

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: music
title: ToneDef Loudness Warriors Anthem
uid: loudanthemwarior
category: music
tag: Simio
keywords: Techno, Hard, Funky, tropical, kick-n-base, instrumental
A Techno track with alot of dirt, pressure and compression, under the magic desguise of the Anthem of it self

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: 7 Step
mp3: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-01-7_stepper.mp3
ogg: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-01-7_stepper.ogg
image: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-01-7_stepper.png
uid: 7stepper
category: music
tag: Simio

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: Vapor Break
mp3: 2015-sakrecoer--07-vapor_break.mp3
ogg: 2015-sakrecoer--07-vapor_break.ogg
image: 2015-sakrecoer--07-vapor_break.png
uid: vaporbreak
category: music
tag: Simio

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: 99GF
mp3: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-07-99gf.mp3
ogg: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-07-99gf.ogg
image: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-07-99gf.jpg
uid: 99gf
category: music
tag: Simio

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
layout: music
title: Subossa
uid: subbossa
category: music
tag: Simio
keywords: Kick-n-Base, House, Techno, Tropical, instrumental, Subway, Bossa Nova,
This track is so Anoying! There are just too many cats!!!!

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: PinGnu
mp3: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-07-pingnu.mp3
ogg: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-07-pingnu.ogg
image: 2015-sakrecoer-demo-07-pingnu.png
uid: pinGnu
category: music
tag: Simio

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: 'E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.'
mp3: 2016-Sakrecoer-07-Unmet-dependencies.mp3
ogg: 2016-Sakrecoer-07-Unmet-dependencies.ogg
image: 2016-Sakrecoer-07-Unmet-dependencies.jpg
uid: dependencytrap
category: music
tag: Sakrecoer
@ -40,17 +40,3 @@ Installed and running and compatible with society\\
But i am running a different library\\
Because my kernel is still libre and free.
written on: 20160830\\
Set Hallstrom aka sakrecoer\\
Version: GnuPG v1

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: 'K''as-tu Fais De Nous?'
mp3: 2018-setto_-single-007-katu_fait_de_nous-117bpm.mp3
ogg: 2018-setto_-single-007-katu_fait_de_nous-117bpm.ogg
image: 2018-setto_-single-007-katu_fait_de_nous-117bpm.jpg
uid: kastufaisdenous2345235
category: music
tag: Sakrecoer

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
layout: music
title: Wide Open
mp3: dat://2431e9404a851962a00e01c019a62816a29e971a9fe228d0be95ed946ead3855/assets/mu/2015_-_sakrecoer_-_7th_dimension_-_07_-_wide_open.mp3
ogg: dat://2431e9404a851962a00e01c019a62816a29e971a9fe228d0be95ed946ead3855/assets/mu/2015_-_sakrecoer_-_7th_dimension_-_07_-_wide_open.ogg
image: dat://2431e9404a851962a00e01c019a62816a29e971a9fe228d0be95ed946ead3855/assets/mu/2015_-_sakrecoer_-_7th_dimension_-_07_-_wide_open.jpg
uid: wideopen2
category: music
tag: reSet

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
layout: music

View file

@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,121 +1,107 @@
title: About Sakrecoer
layout: default
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>About The Sakrecoer Family</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name='robots' content='index' />
<meta name="description"
content="Sakrecoer Uncorporated Stands for fun loving activism, art and music. It is a spiritually and schizophrenically extended family, pushing music, visuals, thoughts and passion">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/favicon.ico" type="image/" />
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<section id="intro">
<a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/">
<h1>About Sakrecoer Uncorporated</h1>
<p><b>Sakrecoer Uncorporated</b> Stands for independent fun-loving Activism, Art &amp; Music. I am a 1980 born
robot. If <a href="" target="_blank">Monica Zetterlund</a> was
a cyberpunk making electronic music, I would probably be Her. The red thread in my music is African. Vocals,
manually operated groove-boxes, bass and lots of rhythmics are populating my colorful soundscapes that often
get associated to the the pop-culture. I aim for questions rather than answers and at pushing <i>your</i>
creativity. I move by feet in the streets and value my integrity.</p>
<p>My 2016 motto is to record live versions of sexy beats i do right away and post them everywhere. This way I'm
hoping to help people keep focused on making love rather than fu*king eachother up. In the midst of 2077, I
hope to have a number of songs worth flying to venus with. Then I'll make them sound even nicer, but most
likeley just do better new ones or save the world.</p>
<p>I go by many aliases that you will find if you scroll down this page.</p>
<p style="font-size:9px">This website was deisgned and executed by <a href=""
target="_blank">me</a> On these pages I push sounds, images, thoughts and passion for cool robots like you,
thanks to the good people and the Helevtico-Russian Linux Lovers Circle.</p>
<section id="reset">
<h2>reSet Sakrecoer</h2>
<img src="images/live_original.gif" alt="reSet Sakrecoer Live In Barcelona" id="reset-photo" />
<p>Electronic Pop, croonerism, and happy-joy</p>
<p class="btn"><a href=" for reSet">Book reSet</a></p>
<section id="simio">
<h2>Simio Sakrecoer</h2>
<img src="images/simio-photo.jpg" alt="Visit Line25" id="simio-photo" />
<p>Black Magic, Rave, Cyberpunk</p>
<a class="btn" href=" for Simio">Book Simio</a>
<section id="pusset">
<h2>pusSet Sakrecoer</h2>
<p style="padding:0 5px 5px 5px;">House, Groove, Sex-appeal</p>
<a class="btn" href=" for pusSet">Book pusset</a>
<section id="sakrecoer">
<p style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.9);padding:7px;">The past gig list is to longtimes and for forgotten
times! Recieved with enthusiasm by several venues, big and small such as: <br /><br />
Apolo Nitsa - Barcelona<br />
Dachkantine - Z&uuml;rich<br />
Center Of Contemporary Art - Geneva<br />
Alcazar - Stockholm<br />
Microdisco Festival - Berlin<br />
Button Factory - Dublin<br />
<br />
And many many other really really nice ones :) delivering good mood, beat, base and bass! </p>
<div class="pivot">
<div class="fullscreen-bg">
<video loop muted autoplay poster="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoer-logo.svg" class="fullscreen-bg__video">
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<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/vi/0001-0076.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<!-- <source src="video/big_buck_bunny.ogv" type="video/ogg"> -->
<li><img src="images/cs-vid-1.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="images/cs-vid-2.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="images/cs-vid-3.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="images/cs-vid-4.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="images/cs-vid-5.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<li><img src="images/cs-vid-6.jpg" alt="" /></li>
<div class="aboutflex">
<div class="trackcontainer">
<p><b>Sakrecoer Uncorporated</b> Stands for independent fun-loving Activism, Art &amp; Music. I am a 1980 born
robot. If <a href="" target="_blank">Monica Zetterlund</a> was
a cyberpunk making electronic music, I would probably be Her. I aim for questions rather than answers and at pushing <i>your</i>
creativity. I move by feet in the streets and value my integrity.
<br />
<br />I go by many aliases that you will find if you scroll down this page.</p>
<p style="font-size:9px">This website was deisgned and executed by <a href=""
target="_blank">me</a> On these pages I push sounds, images, thoughts and passion for cool robots like you,
thanks to the good people and the Helevtico-Russian Linux Lovers Circle.</p>
<div class="trackcontainer">
<div class="track" style="background-image:url('images/live_original.gif');">
<div class="trackcontainer">
<div class="track" style="background-image:url('images/simio-photo.jpg');">
<div class="trackcontainer">
<p>The past gig list is to longtimes and for forgotten
times! Recieved with enthusiasm by several venues, big and small such as: <br /><br />
Apolo Nitsa - Barcelona<br />
Dachkantine - Z&uuml;rich<br />
Center Of Contemporary Art - Geneva<br />
Alcazar - Stockholm<br />
Microdisco Festival - Berlin<br />
Button Factory - Dublin<br />
<br />
And many many other really really nice ones :) delivering good mood, beat, base and bass! </p>
<ul id="nav">
<li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/"><img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoerLOGO.png" width="125px"
height="125px" title="HOME" /></a></li>
<div class="trackcontainer">
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<div class="track" style="background-image:url('images/simio_bg.jpg');">
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View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
layout: default
title: Blog
image: /assets/img/bg/blog.jpg
This website is not a place for dialogues, hence you cannot comment. <br />But hey! If you are upSet, happy or lost, I'd love to hear from you on this mail: public [at] sakrecoer [dot] com<br />Haters are encouraged to tell and show EVERYBODY how hateworthy this is.<hr />
{% for post in %}
<p class="date">{{ | date_to_string }}</p><h1 class="blogtitle"><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
<hr />
{% endfor %}

View file

@ -1,53 +1,62 @@
title: The Mother-web of Sakrecoer
title: Greetings Robot!
layout: default
<div id="hero">
<h1>GREETINGS<br />ROBOT!</h1>
<div class="pivot">
<h2>Greetings Robot!</h2>
<h2>Stands for independent fun-loving Activism, Art &amp;
<div class="pivot">
<h2>You are here</h2>
<h1><a href="/about/" alt="About Sakrecoer">Where am I?</a></h1>
<div class="pivot">
<h1><a href="/music/" alt="Music of Sakrecoer">Music</a></h1>
<div class="fullscreen-bg">
<video loop muted autoplay poster="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoer-logo.svg" class="fullscreen-bg__video">
<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/vi/0001-0076.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/vi/0001-0076.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<!-- <source src="video/big_buck_bunny.ogv" type="video/ogg"> -->
<p><b>Sakrecoer Uncorporated</b> Stands for independent fun-loving Activism, Art<br />&amp;
<b>Music.</b><br /><br />I push sounds, images, thoughts and passion for <b>cool robots like you.</b><br /><br />I
am funky and I deliver because<br /><b>I was born tomorrow.</b></p>
<div class="aboutflex">
<div class="trackcontainer logo">
<div class="track"
style="background-image:url('{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoer-logo.svg');box-shadow:none;">
<div class="trackcontainer logo">
<div class="track"
style="background-image:url('{{site.baseurl }}/assets/img/basspistol-Patches.svg');box-shadow:none;">
<div class="trackcontainer logo">
{% include cookiemonster.html %}
{% for post in offset: 0 limit: 1 %}
{{ post.content }}
{% endfor %}
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var vid = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0]; vid.playbackRate = 0.1;
var pauseButton = document.getElementById("video_pause");
function vidFade() {
vid.addEventListener('ended', function () {
// only functional if "loop" is removed
// to capture IE10
pauseButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
if (vid.paused) {;
pauseButton.innerHTML = "Pause Video";
else {
pauseButton.innerHTML = "Resume Video";

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@ -26,3 +26,4 @@ image: /links/linkbg.jpg
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/linkbanners/rastalion.jpg" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/linkbanners/moebius-band.png" /></a>
{% include navmenu.html %}

View file

@ -1,17 +1,46 @@
title: Track Index
title: Sakrecoer Track Index
layout: default
{% include navmenu.html %}
<div id="hero" style="height: 75vh;">
<div class="pivot">
<div class="fullscreen-bg">
<video loop muted autoplay poster="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoer-logo.svg" class="fullscreen-bg__video">
<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/vi/0001-0076.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/vi/0001-0076.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<!-- <source src="video/big_buck_bunny.ogv" type="video/ogg"> -->
<div class="musiflex">
{% for track in reversed %}
<div class="trackcontainer">
<a href="/"><img src="{{site.baseurl }}/assets/img/sakrecoer-logo.svg" width="100%" alt="sakrecoer logo"></a>
{% for track in site.tracks reversed %}
<div id="{{ track.uid }}" class="trackcontainer">
<a href="{{ track.url }}">
<div class="track" style="background-image:url({{ site.audio_url }}{{ track.image }});"></div>
<div class="track" style="background-image:url({{ track.image }});"></div>
<h3>{{ track.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ track.description }}</p>
<p>{{ track.keywords }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<div>{% include cookiemonster.html %}</div>

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