CONTRACT ----------------------------------- I. Basics --------- 1. Signing with When signing this document, the Artists consents and proudly acknowledge: A) That he/she/they is/are a member of the syndicate, Artist community and organization. B) That he/she/they trust to work for the betterment of music and the art of music, while promoting their work. C) Finally, that the beauty in this contract is the mutual respect and freedom given between and the Artist(s): THIS CONTRACT IS NONE EXCLUSIVE. You remain free to move without . remains free to move without you. II. Rights agreements and overstandings. ---------------------------------------- 1. Recordings: A) All the rights, including executive rights of the music belong to the Artist. The Artist may use its work in the ways it can imagine or need. However the use of this right may not interfere with the marketplaces sorted by , without a 12 month pre-notification. In clear text, as the Artist you cannot sell its record in a form is already selling it in, until 12 month after it has asked to stop selling it. This is only to avoid doubloons. B) The percentage taken on physical releases (read vinyl, CD, or prestidigital objects) has to be agreed before release date and is set between the Artist and depending on the financial investments made by the Artist self. However may only take enough from the benefit genreated to cover eventual production costs. (read: we don't make profit) 2. Performances A) In the case where an Artist finds a gig on its own or through another agency. The Artist has no financial obligation towards B) has no obligation to find gigs to Artists. C) Bellow 241 Euros benefit on gigs sorted by , the Artist keeps it all. takes a percentage of 17% on gigs sorted by generating more than 241 Euros benefit, after the following logistics costs have been covered: 1 meal per day, transport in and out and accommodation. This 17% will be used to reinvest in the Artists production on (CD, Vinyl, prestidigital, merch etc...) 3. Promotion A) has the right to use the signed Artists name and image in anyway it can figure as a profitable one to the Artist and the label. B) The Artist proudly agrees to put the name of the label "" in written form in all promotional material. Given that this promotion is not serving the interest of another agency that explicitly want it to be omitted, or when the promotion for any reason could harm the image of as an organization focusing on quality music. C) The Artist understands the importance to communicate future gig dates and takes the responsibility to inform of his/her/their movements. III. Duration of the contract and form. --------------------------------------- 1. Duration This contract last from the day signed to eternity, and can be canceled by notifying of the desire to leave the syndicate 12 months in advance. However, In the rare but plausible case where the Artist wouldn't like to be associated with the label anymore. accepts to stop selling the music, and removing any press related material from its server. While it retains the right to play all music that has been released through , broadcast all music that has been released through and graphically or historically include the work in its discography present at http://, or not. 2. Form The Artist may sign with its blood, but it is not mandatory. FOOTNOTE: This contract was written and designed by Set Hallström and you may copy it, use it, change it, screw it, eat it, feed it, make it better or worse.