diff --git a/Settoshi Tonami/Endorsement Paradox/release.eno b/Settoshi Tonami/Endorsement Paradox/release.eno
index 33c3265..8a6d666 100644
--- a/Settoshi Tonami/Endorsement Paradox/release.eno	
+++ b/Settoshi Tonami/Endorsement Paradox/release.eno	
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Licensed: [CC-BY-SA-NC](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
 -- more
-description = A drawing by Ritran. A person earing a hoodie, tapping their phone scren. There is a web gwoing out of the phone enveloping the head of the character.
+description = Settoshi holding a japanese mask over his face, sitting on couch in a messy room full of posters and green. He is wearing shorts and Bart Simpson t-shirt.
 file = cover.jpg
diff --git a/Settoshi Tonami/Vincent Van Basquiat/release.eno b/Settoshi Tonami/Vincent Van Basquiat/release.eno
index aa1da22..3923086 100644
--- a/Settoshi Tonami/Vincent Van Basquiat/release.eno	
+++ b/Settoshi Tonami/Vincent Van Basquiat/release.eno	
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Licensed: [CC-BY-SA-NC](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
 -- more
-description = A abstract image with purple and green colors. It looks like a mekting pot of the internet.
+description = A abstract image with purple and green colors. It looks like a melting-pot of the internet.
 file = cover.jpg
diff --git a/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/cover.jpg b/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/cover.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f5dd4
Binary files /dev/null and b/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/cover.jpg differ
diff --git a/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/granny-ssh.jpg b/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/granny-ssh.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..477d4b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/granny-ssh.jpg differ
diff --git a/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/release.eno b/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/release.eno
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974b4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ToSettoSetto/徒 Setto セット - Grand'ma is a Cyborg Now/release.eno	
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+permalink: bpist-s006
+tags: copy
+date: 2020-09-30
+label = Website
+url = https://setto.basspistol.com
+label = Fediverse
+url = https://v.basspistol.org/a/setto/videos
+label = Chat
+url = https://matrix.to/#/#tosettosetto:basspistol.org
+-- more
+### Lyrics
+Got a friend request from my grandma
+But she spelled her name with an "O"
+Felt like it came from Futurama
+But I know my OP-sec yo!
+Background check just didn't add up
+Family tree is kind of messy
+So I called her up
+She LOL:ed out loud and said: "hey sweetie!"
+"Why is it that you never call me?"
+"Good thing I went through the Zuck"
+"Although I think it's kind of shitty"
+"I simply had to try my luck"
+Do I know what it does to democracy?
+How come we have to be registered?
+How can this promote any liberty?
+If all we do in it is monitored?
+So many questions and all valid,
+She checked all my OP-sec control
+94 years old and vivid
+Holding strong her grandma role.
+She said next time we go for a stroll
+I'll get to see her augmentation:
+A 2kg aluminum walker-roll
+A marvelous invention!
+<iframe title="Grand'ma Is A Cyborg Now - 徒 setto セット" width="100%" height="315" src="https://v.basspistol.org/videos/embed/0073ff9d-d255-40a3-80de-fb3d37bf9ab2" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms"></iframe>
+Music, lyrics, production mix and mastering by 徒 Setto セット
+Licensed: [CC-BY-SA-NC](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
+-- more
+description = A room that looks like a snipers campment photographed in 360 equirectangular projection. There is radio and a laptopp on the table. A sleeping bag and windows showing skyscrapers in front. Some windows are broken and fixed with wooden baricades. Headphones lie on the sleeping bag. In the back there seems to be some sort of terrarium or indoor cultivation.
+file = cover.jpg
+background_image = cover.jpg
+accent_brightening = 85
+accent_chroma = 100
+accent_hue = 307
+background_alpha = 12
+base_chroma = 32
+base_hue = 180
+dynamic_range = 19