--- layout: track path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/4-dumb-bum.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/4-dumb-bum.mp3 slug: waiting-game/4-dumb-bum albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 4-dumb-bum coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/4-dumb-bum.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/4-dumb-bum.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 9921024 duration: 224.9665306122449 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: 4a1e2d37-81c0-4ce6-a289-16153c91e9cb - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_0 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> ZGIxOWVmMWQtZTg5Ny00MWJiLWI2YzktNGQxNjMzN2M2NzkzAA== - id: TIT2 value: Dumb Bum - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 4/24 - id: TCON value: Electro Blues - id: USLT value: &ref_1 language: eng description: '' text: |- You say I should act like Bob You want me to do the dirty job But I don’t have time for your silly games It clearly seems we don’t have the same aims You talk about glory About numbers and money Who we should deal with in the industry So common now let me go I want to go with the music flow Oh, poor Balthazar Your life really is a bazaar Everything got really really really messy And who do you turn to? Me You wanted to play a crooked game Now look at what happens to your fame You wanted to play by different rules Common buddy, tell me you didn’t think we are fools - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 4 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - 4a1e2d37-81c0-4ce6-a289-16153c91e9cb musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "db19ef1d-e897-41bb-b6c9-4d16337c6793\0" title: Dumb Bum musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer genre: - Electro Blues year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: 4a1e2d37-81c0-4ce6-a289-16153c91e9cb 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_0 TIT2: Dumb Bum 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 4/24 TCON: Electro Blues USLT: *ref_1 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: 4a1e2d37-81c0-4ce6-a289-16153c91e9cb 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_0 TIT2: Dumb Bum 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 4/24 TCON: Electro Blues USLT: *ref_1 TYER: '2019' nextTrack: path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/5-feeling-4-u.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/5-feeling-4-u.mp3 slug: waiting-game/5-feeling-4-u albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 5-feeling-4-u coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/5-feeling-4-u.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/5-feeling-4-u.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 12780288 duration: 289.8024489795918 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: 6af24d1e-016c-4f71-9ce1-ed5470e2b853 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_2 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> MmU3MGIwOTYtN2I2Yy00MjE2LTkxZjgtNDAzYjUxYTE0Mzk3AA== - id: TIT2 value: Feeling 4 U - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 5/24 - id: TCON value: Soul - id: USLT value: &ref_3 language: eng description: '' text: | The better I know you The more I feel this is true The more I read you The stronger I feel for you Sometimes I wonder If you also feel this fine Sometimes I wonder Where you were during all this time I know it’s risky but it feels good Things could be tricky but they put me in a good mood Life is short and certitude free But it’s great to read you also like me The closer we get The slower the time goes by The slower it gets And the higher I fly Sometimes I think That life is quite tough Sometimes I wonder If I’m strong enough I know without no risk there is no progress And that love can’t be compared to chess Life is great and certitude free I can’t wait to have yo close to me - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 5 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - 6af24d1e-016c-4f71-9ce1-ed5470e2b853 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "2e70b096-7b6c-4216-91f8-403b51a14397\0" title: Feeling 4 U musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer genre: - Soul year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: 6af24d1e-016c-4f71-9ce1-ed5470e2b853 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_2 TIT2: Feeling 4 U 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 5/24 TCON: Soul USLT: *ref_3 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: 6af24d1e-016c-4f71-9ce1-ed5470e2b853 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_2 TIT2: Feeling 4 U 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 5/24 TCON: Soul USLT: *ref_3 TYER: '2019' previousTrack: path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/3-dance-of-life.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/3-dance-of-life.mp3 slug: waiting-game/3-dance-of-life albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 3-dance-of-life coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/3-dance-of-life.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/3-dance-of-life.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 tool: LAME 3.100U codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 10187136 duration: 231.0008163265306 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: b0206477-57f7-4021-83e0-4d06ca6e3485 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_4 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> MGY5Y2Y5OTgtMDQ4OS00ZjRkLWJhMTEtNTMwZGVlOGM0ZDU3AA== - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TIT2 value: Dance Of Life - id: TRCK value: 3/24 - id: TCON value: Electro - id: USLT value: &ref_5 language: eng description: '' text: |- It's a dance between you and me I can show you if you want to see It's about a step or three You can do it easily It's a dance between you and me I can show you if you want to see It's about a step or three You can do it easily It's a dance between you and me I can show you if you want to see It's about a step or three You can do it easily Come join the dance of life Come join the dance of life Come join the dance of life Come join the dance of life Check it You know it's time You know it's right Grab it It's a dance between you and me I can show you if you want to see It's about a step or three You can do it easily It's a dance between you and me I can show you if you want to see It's about a step or three You can do it easily It's a dance between you and me I can show you if you want to see It's about a step or three You can do it easily Come join the dance of life Come join the dance of life Come join the dance of life Come join the dance of life - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 3 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - b0206477-57f7-4021-83e0-4d06ca6e3485 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "0f9cf998-0489-4f4d-ba11-530dee8c4d57\0" musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer title: Dance Of Life genre: - Electro year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: b0206477-57f7-4021-83e0-4d06ca6e3485 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_4 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Dance Of Life TRCK: 3/24 TCON: Electro USLT: *ref_5 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: b0206477-57f7-4021-83e0-4d06ca6e3485 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_4 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Dance Of Life TRCK: 3/24 TCON: Electro USLT: *ref_5 TYER: '2019' ---