title: Highlights
subtitle: Hi-Lights
description: 'Links to secret music, infamous articles, forbiden videos, off the record interviews and much more...'
keywords: Music, News, blog, Interviews, links, promotion,
video_path: /assets/vid/highlights.mp4
poster_image: /assets/vid/highlights.jpg
permalink: /highlights/
enabled: true
category: highlights
per_page: 14
title: 'Highlight page :num of :max'
limit: 0
sort_field: 'date'
sort_reverse: true
{% include highlightmetahead.html %}
{% include highlightsnavmenu.html %}
{% include videopageheader.html %}
This is a collection of links to material we want to encourage; tracks, articles, videos, music related interviews and reviews... Curated but also original content. Most of the Artists represented here are not affiliated with basspistol in any way and do not necessarily endorse Basspistol. They just happen to have an awesome role within music and it's whereabouts. These links are delivered to you daily. Here or via RSS.
If you are featured in this feed against your will, reach out ASAP to info at basspistol dot com and we will remove it.
{% for post in paginator.posts %}
{{ post.title}}
{{ post.date | date: "%a, %b %d, %Y" }}
{{ post.description }}
{% endfor %}
{% if jekyll.environment == 'production' %}
{% if paginator.total_pages > 1 %}
page {{ paginator.page }} of {{ paginator.total_pages }}
{% if paginator.previous_page %}
« Newer
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if paginator.next_page %}
Older »
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include footer.html %}