--- tags: [internal, albums, download] title: Headcleaner date: 2011-06-06 19:07:00 +0200 category: releases album: headcleaner artist: tikov author: bassBot uid: BPIST005 image: /assets/img/DrTikov_Headcleaner.jpg download: https://archive.org/download/BPIST005/BPIST005_archive.torrent description: 'Headcleaner by Dr. Tikov. A minimalistic opus of dubish Russian techno, made in Barcelona.' check_this_if_cannot_be_bought: false stores: - name: Spotify url: 'https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Dr_Tikov_Headcleaner?id=B6ydbpvz5oflyh67rnbdeoqgkna' icon: fa-spotify download: false - name: Deezer url: 'https://www.deezer.com/us/album/1156512' icon: fa-creative-commons-sampling download: false - name: Google Play url: >- https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Dr_Tikov_Headcleaner?id=B6ydbpvz5oflyh67rnbdeoqgkna icon: fa-google-play download: false - name: Apple Music url: 'https://music.apple.com/us/album/headcleaner/446108916' icon: fa-apple download: false - name: Juno url: https://www.junodownload.com/products/dr-tikov-headcleaner/3167931-02/ icon: fa-creative-commons-sampling download: true --- Inspired by the Spanish city's hectic nightlife, its legendary night-clubs and house venues such as The Moog, our infamously talented Doctor produced his own approach to the rich jungle of Catalan minimal tehcno. Homeopathic and vital, this LP is a journey into the self, a trip into your own body and a healthy neurotic cleansing.


More from Dr. Tikov: https://www.tikov.com
Booking inquiries info@basspistol.com

This records was published fall of 2011