description: 'Musical Tourism by SYNAPSET was recorded over a week in April 2010 by Synapskollaps and reSet Sakrecoer.'
image: '/assets/img/Synapset-MusicalTourism_Fro.jpg'
title: Musical Tourism
artist: synapset
category: highlights
tags: [internal, albums, download]
layout: link
uid: BPIST002
download: 'https://archive.org/download/BPIST002/BPIST002_archive.torrent'
link: https://basspistol.com/albums/musical-tourism/
permalink: /records/musical-tourism/

Synapset is a blitz-collective. Their album questions the space existing between people and how music interconnects them. It is based on experimenting with the risk of taking opportunities in life and reproduce them with machines. It's core formation is Synapskollaps and reSet Sakrecoer, with special appearance by Dr.Tikov.

(1)Feat. Keys By Dr. Tikov, (2)Feat. Rap By Charlot, (3)Feat. Guidtar By Dr. Tikov, (4)Feat. Vox By Dr. Tikov, (5)Feat. Guitar By Tikov<br />Recorded In The FragglRock Studio v2.59, Barcelona<br />Cover photo by Patsy Boop, Edit by the Sakrecoer Design Robot<br />Mastered By Dr. Tikov<br />Synapskollaps http://trig.com/snps<br />Dr. Tikov http://tikov.com/<br />reSet Sakrecoer http://sakrecoer.com<br />© Synapset - 2010 - All rights Reserved - Creative minded Rightholders.