title: 'Waiting Game'
artist: 'Sakrecoer'
category: ramblings
date: 2019-01-18 19:07:00 +0200
author: bassBot
tags: [internal,album]
description: 'Sakrecoer Sells out!'
uid: 'waitinggamesakrecoer2019'
image: '/assets/img/waitinggame.jpg'
download: ''
link: 'https://sakrecoer.com/waitinggame/'
  - name:
    download: false
The shocking news this morning that Sakrecoer puts a record out on Spotofy and iFumes! 

Critics are mindblown by this sudden change of strategy.

Sakrecoer responded quickly on the mesh-web:

<i>"Well, it's not like you can't find the music for free on the internet anyways. I thought i'd do an experiment with mainstream platforms for a year and see where it goes."</i>

Hit the link to find out what all the fuzz is about!