--- layout: track path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/9-fragle-mudge.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/9-fragle-mudge.mp3 slug: waiting-game/9-fragle-mudge albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 9-fragle-mudge coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/9-fragle-mudge.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/9-fragle-mudge.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 15159168 duration: 343.745306122449 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: e5f05458-191b-46da-9d11-9dba53c005ab - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_0 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> NGJlOWM3MDEtMzcyOS00NmVmLTgxYTItNmE0NGFjMmRiZTMyAA== - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TIT2 value: Fragle Mudge - id: TRCK value: 9/24 - id: TCON value: Funk - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 9 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - e5f05458-191b-46da-9d11-9dba53c005ab musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "4be9c701-3729-46ef-81a2-6a44ac2dbe32\0" musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer title: Fragle Mudge genre: - Funk year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: e5f05458-191b-46da-9d11-9dba53c005ab 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_0 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Fragle Mudge TRCK: 9/24 TCON: Funk TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: e5f05458-191b-46da-9d11-9dba53c005ab 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_0 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Fragle Mudge TRCK: 9/24 TCON: Funk TYER: '2019' nextTrack: path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/10-now-future.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/10-now-future.mp3 slug: waiting-game/10-now-future albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 10-now-future coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/10-now-future.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/10-now-future.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 tool: LAME 3.100U codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 10923264 duration: 247.6930612244898 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: af5aeaa2-dcfb-486a-b3d6-9864c0b8daf3 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_1 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> ZmUwMTBkMTMtMmY1My00NjQxLTgzZDktZTU1OTYwZjhjZmIyAA== - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TIT2 value: Now Future - id: TRCK value: 10/24 - id: TCON value: Soul - id: USLT value: &ref_2 language: eng description: '' text: |- Life is full of mysteries And if you want to cope with these You better learn the recipes So when you say NO FUTURE i just cannot bow Because to me the future is now Oh how do you feel about that baby Take your time but don’t look back You don’t want to loose sight of your track Trust your inner melody I believe it’s The remedy The remedy oh oui The remedy oh oui oh oui Now tell me what you think about this - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 10 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - af5aeaa2-dcfb-486a-b3d6-9864c0b8daf3 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "fe010d13-2f53-4641-83d9-e55960f8cfb2\0" musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer title: Now Future genre: - Soul year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: af5aeaa2-dcfb-486a-b3d6-9864c0b8daf3 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_1 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Now Future TRCK: 10/24 TCON: Soul USLT: *ref_2 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: af5aeaa2-dcfb-486a-b3d6-9864c0b8daf3 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_1 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Now Future TRCK: 10/24 TCON: Soul USLT: *ref_2 TYER: '2019' previousTrack: path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/8-getting-to-the-club.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/8-getting-to-the-club.mp3 slug: waiting-game/8-getting-to-the-club albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 8-getting-to-the-club coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/8-getting-to-the-club.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/8-getting-to-the-club.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 9658368 duration: 219.01061224489797 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: b8340c48-884e-4958-9cd4-57cfa842f8f9 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_3 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> Y2ZiOTA0YmUtZjViNy00MjcxLTlkMDktMDE5NWQ4ZTBhYWM4AA== - id: TIT2 value: Getting to the Club - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 8/24 - id: TCON value: Crunk - id: USLT value: &ref_4 language: eng description: '' text: | All the ladies in the club grab my hand All the ladies in the club take your stance All the ladies in the club who want to dance Take a chance on my romance I want to set you in trance Getting into the club being lonely I'm dressed up in my shoes for the boogie-boogie I'm gonna catch up a lady to get in my bed Give her some butter to put on her bread Oh yeah Because I'm a man I'm strong And believe it or not I could easily turn you on Taking you on the trip of your life baby I'm gonna show you some world You can imagine maybe See I've been lurking around And I know what you do And everything that I am Baby tonight that's for you So common give me your hand You know you doing right Because all i want Is keep you warm and tight All the ladies in the club grab my hand All the ladies in the club take your stance All the ladies in the club who want to dance Take a chance on my romance I want to set you in trance All the ladies in the club grab my hand All the ladies in the club take your stance All the ladies in the club who want to dance Take a chance on my romance I want to set you in trance Gosh I'm dry as hell I wake up in a place with the weirdest smell I'm willing to go I don't want to know Pick up my pants My gosh what's all these ants Coming to hygiene I'm not the best But this dear sister Honestly is a mess It's pretty bad And it makes me worry My migraine is on And my vision is blurry Now get your stand Take it easy man You don't want to wake her up And see her face again I turn around although Look into her face She's rather cute And pretty nice to embrace Actually I really hope i did you well Because thinking of it now You looked good as hell Both feet on the floor I grab the door Open it Who's this face I've seen it before All the ladies in the club grab my hand All the ladies in the club take your stance All the ladies in the club who want to dance Take a chance on my romance I want to set you in trance All the ladies in the club grab my hand All the ladies in the club take your stance All the ladies in the club who want to dance Take a chance on my romance I want to set you in trance In front of my dear french teacher Of all the ladies How come i had to do her He ask me surprised What the fuck you doing here And in my belly i start to feel cold fear As i walk to the door in three steps back I see him get loaded For a heavy attack I grab my gun Shoot him and run I didn't know cold murder could be so fun The morality of this fucked up story Is that before you get it on with a pretty lady Make sure you have your shoes for the boogie-boogie And that you back up yourself with heavy artillery All the ladies in the club grab my hand All the ladies in the club take your stance All the ladies in the club who want to dance Take a chance on my romance I want to set you in trance - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 8 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - b8340c48-884e-4958-9cd4-57cfa842f8f9 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "cfb904be-f5b7-4271-9d09-0195d8e0aac8\0" title: Getting to the Club musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer genre: - Crunk year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: b8340c48-884e-4958-9cd4-57cfa842f8f9 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_3 TIT2: Getting to the Club 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 8/24 TCON: Crunk USLT: *ref_4 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: b8340c48-884e-4958-9cd4-57cfa842f8f9 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_3 TIT2: Getting to the Club 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 8/24 TCON: Crunk USLT: *ref_4 TYER: '2019' ---