--- layout: track path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/18-waiting-game.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/18-waiting-game.mp3 slug: waiting-game/18-waiting-game albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 18-waiting-game coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/18-waiting-game.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/18-waiting-game.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 11197440 duration: 253.91020408163266 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: fd6250f8-3b78-44f1-83bf-91510d210ae8 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_0 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> YWFkNTUwNTItODNkNy00NmM2LTlhN2QtZWVlZWM1ODk5YzUzAA== - id: TIT2 value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 18/24 - id: TCON value: Punk - id: USLT value: &ref_1 language: eng description: '' text: | When you get your break, break out When you get your break, break out It's a waiting game even I had to wait So when you get your break, break out When you get your break, break out When you get your break, break out It's a waiting game even I had to wait So when you get your break, break out Someone has taken out the punk From the back of his trunk The kids have new toys To make even louder noise The claim for liberty On a techno reality With a well designed corporate identity They won't deal with charity There is nothing new you say Except maybe for the way The kids throw up their shit Making instantly distributed hits Well, mister back-stabbing wonder Thinking like that you might get struck by the thunder We might be out for fame But you're not the audience we aim When you get your break, break out When you get your break, break out It's a waiting game even I had to wait So when you get your break, break out When you get your break, break out When you get your break, break out It's a waiting game even I had to wait So when you get your break, break out So kiddo, carry the weight of an old punk Just throw that fucker in the back of your trunk Common, drive him crazy Let him tell you that you're fucking lazy Oh yeah, kiddo I'm talking to you You should know that today you're reality is true They call your tools toys, but your sound get through So keep that faith going You know you should do They say it's been seen before Of course, you're not the first kiddo acting hardcore Common keep on throw up that shit People with true heart will feel the hit The backstabbers can all go under Thinking only their time had wonders Anyways, if you're out there for more than fame You've found just the right aim Just the right aim - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 18 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - fd6250f8-3b78-44f1-83bf-91510d210ae8 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "aad55052-83d7-46c6-9a7d-eeeec5899c53\0" title: Waiting Game musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer genre: - Punk year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: fd6250f8-3b78-44f1-83bf-91510d210ae8 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_0 TIT2: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 18/24 TCON: Punk USLT: *ref_1 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: fd6250f8-3b78-44f1-83bf-91510d210ae8 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_0 TIT2: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 18/24 TCON: Punk USLT: *ref_1 TYER: '2019' nextTrack: path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/19-where-is-your-antenna.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/19-where-is-your-antenna.mp3 slug: waiting-game/19-where-is-your-antenna albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 19-where-is-your-antenna coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/19-where-is-your-antenna.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/19-where-is-your-antenna.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 12379392 duration: 280.71183673469386 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: fb6aac24-4014-45fc-9509-d03d3b013077 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_2 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> MGU1OGM5OWYtOGIwMi00NjE2LTkzMzYtMTBhZTQ2ODdhZjA3AA== - id: TIT2 value: Where Is Your Antenna - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 19/24 - id: TCON value: Electro Pop - id: USLT value: &ref_3 language: eng description: '' text: |- Robot, where is your antenna Robot, where is your heart Robot, where is your antenna Robot, where is your heart Robot, wipe your digital eye Robot, there is no reason to cry Robot, wipe your digital eye Robot, there is no reason to cry Robot, yes they are still blind Robot, but they don't understand time Robot, yes they are still blind But robot, love is doing fine - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 19 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - fb6aac24-4014-45fc-9509-d03d3b013077 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "0e58c99f-8b02-4616-9336-10ae4687af07\0" title: Where Is Your Antenna musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer genre: - Electro Pop year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: fb6aac24-4014-45fc-9509-d03d3b013077 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_2 TIT2: Where Is Your Antenna 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 19/24 TCON: Electro Pop USLT: *ref_3 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: fb6aac24-4014-45fc-9509-d03d3b013077 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_2 TIT2: Where Is Your Antenna 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TRCK: 19/24 TCON: Electro Pop USLT: *ref_3 TYER: '2019' previousTrack: path: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/17-battlezoo.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/waiting-game/17-battlezoo.mp3 slug: waiting-game/17-battlezoo albumSlug: waiting-game trackSlug: 17-battlezoo coverPath: >- /mnt/usb32gb/organized-basspistol.media/assets/albums/waiting-game/17-battlezoo.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/waiting-game/17-battlezoo.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.3 trackInfo: [] lossless: false container: MPEG codec: MPEG 1 Layer 3 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 bitrate: 128000 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 10273536 duration: 232.96 native: ID3v2.3: - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: Comment text: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2019-01-17' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2019' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: XW - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST017 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: Sakrecoer - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: b7b503fc-7c74-43cf-b28f-9dbc6bbde759 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 - id: TALB value: Waiting Game - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE2 value: Sakrecoer - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: UFID value: &ref_4 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> MzJjM2VhOTctMTFjZC00NDFlLWI5ZWQtNDNiNzE2M2Q0Nzk1AA== - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: Sakrecoer - id: TIT2 value: Battlezoo - id: TRCK value: 17/24 - id: TCON value: Crooner - id: USLT value: &ref_5 language: eng description: '' text: | Soldier, so you want to fight Soldier, better chose your weapons right Solider, we've heard the fight is tight Soldier, you better come back alright I feel both joy and pain My son has broken his chain He says it will make him strong But I think he is wrong What have them done for us Please don't go son because There is nothing for a kid to do On a battle-zoo Soldier, so you want to fight Soldier, better chose your weapons right Solider, we've heard the fight is tight Soldier, you better come back alright If not me, for your mother Your sister and the farm Just think of all the brothers That this non-sens will harm I don't want to be there Violence is nothing to share And what with your darling too She wont be there in the battle-zoo Soldier, so you want to fight Soldier, better chose your weapons right Solider, we've heard the fight is tight Soldier, you better come back alright Soldier, so you want to fight Soldier, better chose your weapons right Solider, we've heard the fight is tight Soldier, you better come back alright - id: TYER value: '2019' quality: warnings: [] common: track: 'no': 17 of: 24 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 comment: - 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' - 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be - '2019-01-17' - '2019' - album - XW - Basspistol - BPIST017 - Digital Media - Sakrecoer - b7b503fc-7c74-43cf-b28f-9dbc6bbde759 musicbrainz_albumid: c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 album: Waiting Game musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 albumartist: Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: "32c3ea97-11cd-441e-b9ed-43b7163d4795\0" musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - Sakrecoer artist: Sakrecoer title: Battlezoo genre: - Crooner year: 2019 transformed: ID3v2.3: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: b7b503fc-7c74-43cf-b28f-9dbc6bbde759 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_4 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Battlezoo TRCK: 17/24 TCON: Crooner USLT: *ref_5 TYER: '2019' all: Comment: 'Visit http://shop.basspistol.com' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 69cc0d44-433e-42b2-af06-f7bcbcfd66be ORIGINALDATE: '2019-01-17' ORIGINALYEAR: '2019' RELEASETYPE: album RELEASECOUNTRY: XW LABEL: Basspistol CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST017 MEDIA: Digital Media ARTISTS: Sakrecoer MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: b7b503fc-7c74-43cf-b28f-9dbc6bbde759 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': c9c09759-c30b-406f-bb6a-57dce0047d29 TALB: Waiting Game 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE2: Sakrecoer TPOS: 1/1 UFID: *ref_4 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: Sakrecoer TIT2: Battlezoo TRCK: 17/24 TCON: Crooner USLT: *ref_5 TYER: '2019' ---