--- layout: track path: >- /Users/set/Desktop/publikator_test/assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/3-r-vhj-lmen.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/3-r-vhj-lmen.mp3 albumSlug: psykedelisk-pop slug: 3-r-vhj-lmen coverPath: >- /Users/set/Desktop/publikator_test/assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/3-r-vhj-lmen.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/3-r-vhj-lmen.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.4 lossless: false dataformat: mp3 bitrate: 128000 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 11240064 duration: 254.87673469387755 native: ID3v2.4: - id: TCON value: Electro Pop - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: c0 text: www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com - id: TIT2 value: Rövhjälmen - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: SE - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: 09507e35-ba5c-4d3b-8a00-4900a28a28e6 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2010' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASESTATUS text: official - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ACOUSTID_ID text: 074712e2-5ccb-4ed6-bc8c-61fa52f8a850 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST001 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2010' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: reSet Sakrecoer - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f - id: TPE2 value: reSet Sakrecoer - id: TALB value: Psykedelisk Pop - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: reSet Sakrecoer - id: UFID value: &ref_0 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> OGI1ZDFjOTUtNDRhZC00YzQ1LTkxODMtNzg0ODhjMmU0NTA3 - id: TSOP value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 3/10 - id: TDRC value: '2010-01-01' - id: USLT value: language: eng description: lyrics text: >- <em>Varva ner, satt dig i soffan.<br /> Morgonen ar ung, atminstande det ar du.<br /> Vi har sprungit natten.<br /> Som fisken och katten.<br /> Vi har fangat tid, och dansat med Fan.<br /> <br /> Sa Varva ner med mig<br /> Varva ner.<br /> <br /> Ta en macka, ingen lever pastej..?<br /> Till Open Core och racka, Till kasorskan saga Hej!<br /> Vad fin i haret hon var, ah hon sag sa himla gla', hon dansa sa himla bra...<br /> Oj! Ja, men dar star ju du och jag. He! Ah vad bra, du ser ju annu lika bra, du ser ju forfan annu, annu mer bra, du ser sa himmla bra.<br /> Ut med dig vill jag ga<br /> Kom ut med mig, sa kom ut med mig.<br /> <br /> Kom och satt dig i soffan.<br /> Natten har gatt over.<br /> Vi har ost sa det blir over.<br /> Ta av dig rovhjalmen nu for fan,<br /> Det finns inte djavel forfan,<br /> Det finns inte en djavels hjarta att bullta pa.<br /> Vi lat dom alla ga, pa efter-for-efterfesten,<br /> Dar som alla ingen var.<br /> Ta av dig rovhjalmen.<br /></em> - id: WOAS value: 'https://archive.org/compress/BPIST001' common: track: 'no': 3 of: 10 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 genre: - Electro Pop comment: - www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com - SE - Basspistol - 09507e35-ba5c-4d3b-8a00-4900a28a28e6 - '2010' - 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa - official - 074712e2-5ccb-4ed6-bc8c-61fa52f8a850 - BPIST001 - Digital Media - album - '2010' - reSet Sakrecoer title: Rövhjälmen musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 musicbrainz_albumid: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f albumartist: reSet Sakrecoer album: Psykedelisk Pop musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - reSet Sakrecoer artist: reSet Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: 8b5d1c95-44ad-4c45-9183-78488c2e4507 artistsort: Sakrecoer year: 2010 date: '2010-01-01' transformed: ID3v2.4: TCON: Electro Pop c0: www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com TIT2: Rövhjälmen RELEASECOUNTRY: SE LABEL: Basspistol MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: 09507e35-ba5c-4d3b-8a00-4900a28a28e6 ORIGINALDATE: '2010' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa RELEASESTATUS: official ACOUSTID_ID: 074712e2-5ccb-4ed6-bc8c-61fa52f8a850 CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST001 MEDIA: Digital Media RELEASETYPE: album ORIGINALYEAR: '2010' ARTISTS: reSet Sakrecoer 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPOS: 1/1 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f TPE2: reSet Sakrecoer TALB: Psykedelisk Pop 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: reSet Sakrecoer UFID: *ref_0 TSOP: Sakrecoer TRCK: 3/10 TDRC: '2010-01-01' lyrics: >- <em>Varva ner, satt dig i soffan.<br /> Morgonen ar ung, atminstande det ar du.<br /> Vi har sprungit natten.<br /> Som fisken och katten.<br /> Vi har fangat tid, och dansat med Fan.<br /> <br /> Sa Varva ner med mig<br /> Varva ner.<br /> <br /> Ta en macka, ingen lever pastej..?<br /> Till Open Core och racka, Till kasorskan saga Hej!<br /> Vad fin i haret hon var, ah hon sag sa himla gla', hon dansa sa himla bra...<br /> Oj! Ja, men dar star ju du och jag. He! Ah vad bra, du ser ju annu lika bra, du ser ju forfan annu, annu mer bra, du ser sa himmla bra.<br /> Ut med dig vill jag ga<br /> Kom ut med mig, sa kom ut med mig.<br /> <br /> Kom och satt dig i soffan.<br /> Natten har gatt over.<br /> Vi har ost sa det blir over.<br /> Ta av dig rovhjalmen nu for fan,<br /> Det finns inte djavel forfan,<br /> Det finns inte en djavels hjarta att bullta pa.<br /> Vi lat dom alla ga, pa efter-for-efterfesten,<br /> Dar som alla ingen var.<br /> Ta av dig rovhjalmen.<br /></em> WOAS: 'https://archive.org/compress/BPIST001' nextTrack: path: >- /Users/set/Desktop/publikator_test/assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/4-it-s-all-over.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/4-it-s-all-over.mp3 albumSlug: psykedelisk-pop slug: 4-it-s-all-over coverPath: >- /Users/set/Desktop/publikator_test/assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/4-it-s-all-over.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/4-it-s-all-over.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.4 lossless: false dataformat: mp3 bitrate: 128000 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 11698560 duration: 265.2734693877551 native: ID3v2.4: - id: TCON value: Electro Pop - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: c0 text: www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com - id: TIT2 value: It's All Over - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: SE - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: c4e10b46-4555-458c-a82b-eb87f70d4c21 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2010' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASESTATUS text: official - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ACOUSTID_ID text: 16f07a06-8954-4c2e-8c57-3ad97b725ea1 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST001 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2010' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: reSet Sakrecoer - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f - id: TPE2 value: reSet Sakrecoer - id: TALB value: Psykedelisk Pop - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: reSet Sakrecoer - id: UFID value: &ref_1 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> MjMxMGM4OWYtZTM5Mi00Mjg3LThkYTYtMmI3YjU5MmUzZWFi - id: TSOP value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 4/10 - id: TDRC value: '2010-01-01' - id: USLT value: language: eng description: lyrics text: |- <em>It's all too late now,<br /> As you are screaming out my name.<br /> Too late to change now,<br /> Or change my way,<br /> As it's time to say good bye.<br /> Please won't you stay for just a while?<br /> Never been broken hearted before!<br /> Go ahead love,<br /> Take my heart.<br /> Like so many times you've done it before.<br /> <br /> Shoe box of memories is all that i keep.<br /> Can't even look at your face.<br /> It's all to late now.<br /> Do i have to change my way?<br /> As you are screaming out my name...<br /> <br /> I can see the stars, see them pass me by.<br /> Another hopeless night, for ever hopeless now.<br /> I can see the stars bass me by.<br /></em> - id: WOAS value: 'https://archive.org/compress/BPIST001' common: track: 'no': 4 of: 10 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 genre: - Electro Pop comment: - www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com - SE - Basspistol - c4e10b46-4555-458c-a82b-eb87f70d4c21 - '2010' - 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa - official - 16f07a06-8954-4c2e-8c57-3ad97b725ea1 - BPIST001 - Digital Media - album - '2010' - reSet Sakrecoer title: It's All Over musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 musicbrainz_albumid: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f albumartist: reSet Sakrecoer album: Psykedelisk Pop musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - reSet Sakrecoer artist: reSet Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: 2310c89f-e392-4287-8da6-2b7b592e3eab artistsort: Sakrecoer year: 2010 date: '2010-01-01' transformed: ID3v2.4: TCON: Electro Pop c0: www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com TIT2: It's All Over RELEASECOUNTRY: SE LABEL: Basspistol MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: c4e10b46-4555-458c-a82b-eb87f70d4c21 ORIGINALDATE: '2010' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa RELEASESTATUS: official ACOUSTID_ID: 16f07a06-8954-4c2e-8c57-3ad97b725ea1 CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST001 MEDIA: Digital Media RELEASETYPE: album ORIGINALYEAR: '2010' ARTISTS: reSet Sakrecoer 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPOS: 1/1 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f TPE2: reSet Sakrecoer TALB: Psykedelisk Pop 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: reSet Sakrecoer UFID: *ref_1 TSOP: Sakrecoer TRCK: 4/10 TDRC: '2010-01-01' lyrics: |- <em>It's all too late now,<br /> As you are screaming out my name.<br /> Too late to change now,<br /> Or change my way,<br /> As it's time to say good bye.<br /> Please won't you stay for just a while?<br /> Never been broken hearted before!<br /> Go ahead love,<br /> Take my heart.<br /> Like so many times you've done it before.<br /> <br /> Shoe box of memories is all that i keep.<br /> Can't even look at your face.<br /> It's all to late now.<br /> Do i have to change my way?<br /> As you are screaming out my name...<br /> <br /> I can see the stars, see them pass me by.<br /> Another hopeless night, for ever hopeless now.<br /> I can see the stars bass me by.<br /></em> WOAS: 'https://archive.org/compress/BPIST001' previousTrack: path: >- /Users/set/Desktop/publikator_test/assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/2-step-up.mp3 audio: /assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/2-step-up.mp3 albumSlug: psykedelisk-pop slug: 2-step-up coverPath: >- /Users/set/Desktop/publikator_test/assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/2-step-up.jpeg cover: /assets/albums/psykedelisk-pop/2-step-up.jpeg format: tagTypes: - ID3v2.4 lossless: false dataformat: mp3 bitrate: 128000 sampleRate: 44100 numberOfChannels: 2 codecProfile: CBR numberOfSamples: 8174592 duration: 185.36489795918368 native: ID3v2.4: - id: TCON value: Electro Pop - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: c0 text: www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com - id: TIT2 value: Step Up - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASECOUNTRY text: SE - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: LABEL text: Basspistol - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID text: 6842fa39-a904-4d7d-b8f2-2bc46ac06293 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALDATE text: '2010' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID text: 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASESTATUS text: official - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ACOUSTID_ID text: 7bd461de-9e05-4ee7-b71d-4bbf51d23ed2 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: CATALOGNUMBER text: BPIST001 - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: MEDIA text: Digital Media - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: RELEASETYPE text: album - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ORIGINALYEAR text: '2010' - id: COMM value: language: XXX description: ARTISTS text: reSet Sakrecoer - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPOS value: 1/1 - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id' value: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid' value: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f - id: TPE2 value: reSet Sakrecoer - id: TALB value: Psykedelisk Pop - id: 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid' value: a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 - id: TPE1 value: reSet Sakrecoer - id: UFID value: &ref_2 owner_identifier: 'http://musicbrainz.org' identifier: !<tag:yaml.org,2002:binary> NjFlOGExODctZTZmMC00ODE5LTgyNDItNmI0NzEzMTRkZmZl - id: TSOP value: Sakrecoer - id: TRCK value: 2/10 - id: TDRC value: '2010-01-01' - id: USLT value: language: eng description: lyrics text: |- <em>get down<br /> it's now or never<br /> are you like me do you feel the fever?<br /> do you also dream of the words all together?<br /> of colors , love and of happy for ever?<br /> <br /> it can't be that hard we just have to work<br /> the politicians are all an obvious set of jerks<br /> lets challange the nonsense just for a while<br /> and later you'll tell me it was worth to try<br /> <br /> step up<br /> take your time<br /> but don't be too long you don't want to waste mine<br /> and if you don't want to, to me its fine<br /> but the present situation wont be that kind<br /> <br /> they say to let you live they should produce your car<br /> but if you ask me i think they go too far<br /> if you need ten they'll make 4000 jars<br /> and this is the message of the following bars<br /> <br /> BRIDGE<br /> it's all about the money<br /> it's all about the flooz<br /> it's not about love<br /> and it's not about yous<br /> it'as all about mass production<br /> hyper corruption where your the one to lose<br /> so get down stand up<br /> lets fight them back<br /> we could blow them to hell in a heavy attack<br /> push them real hard out of their track<br /> brothers and sisters it's of you we lack<br /> <br /> stand up<br /> no time to loose<br /> the people of the world is having the blues<br /> they tired of being ruled by the everlasting fools<br /> it's time we get together on our own set of rules<br /> they say we have to bow to get allong with our lifes<br /> but that my brother is the fatest of lies<br /> they give us some shit and you play the fly<br /> do realy like that game of selling and buy?<br /></em> - id: WOAS value: 'https://archive.org/compress/BPIST001' common: track: 'no': 2 of: 10 disk: 'no': 1 of: 1 genre: - Electro Pop comment: - www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com - SE - Basspistol - 6842fa39-a904-4d7d-b8f2-2bc46ac06293 - '2010' - 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa - official - 7bd461de-9e05-4ee7-b71d-4bbf51d23ed2 - BPIST001 - Digital Media - album - '2010' - reSet Sakrecoer title: Step Up musicbrainz_albumartistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 musicbrainz_albumid: fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f albumartist: reSet Sakrecoer album: Psykedelisk Pop musicbrainz_artistid: - a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 artists: - reSet Sakrecoer artist: reSet Sakrecoer musicbrainz_recordingid: 61e8a187-e6f0-4819-8242-6b471314dffe artistsort: Sakrecoer year: 2010 date: '2010-01-01' transformed: ID3v2.4: TCON: Electro Pop c0: www.sakrecoer.com - www.basspistol.com TIT2: Step Up RELEASECOUNTRY: SE LABEL: Basspistol MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID: 6842fa39-a904-4d7d-b8f2-2bc46ac06293 ORIGINALDATE: '2010' MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID: 2ab5cbaa-6818-4604-8070-26b81b860bfa RELEASESTATUS: official ACOUSTID_ID: 7bd461de-9e05-4ee7-b71d-4bbf51d23ed2 CATALOGNUMBER: BPIST001 MEDIA: Digital Media RELEASETYPE: album ORIGINALYEAR: '2010' ARTISTS: reSet Sakrecoer 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumartistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPOS: 1/1 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Album Id': fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f 'TXXX:musicbrainz_albumid': fda0a215-114f-4c4b-9220-3b2157368a3f TPE2: reSet Sakrecoer TALB: Psykedelisk Pop 'TXXX:MusicBrainz Artist Id': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 'TXXX:musicbrainz_artistid': a2899399-d1d5-462f-9d56-ec1ea78cc4b6 TPE1: reSet Sakrecoer UFID: *ref_2 TSOP: Sakrecoer TRCK: 2/10 TDRC: '2010-01-01' lyrics: |- <em>get down<br /> it's now or never<br /> are you like me do you feel the fever?<br /> do you also dream of the words all together?<br /> of colors , love and of happy for ever?<br /> <br /> it can't be that hard we just have to work<br /> the politicians are all an obvious set of jerks<br /> lets challange the nonsense just for a while<br /> and later you'll tell me it was worth to try<br /> <br /> step up<br /> take your time<br /> but don't be too long you don't want to waste mine<br /> and if you don't want to, to me its fine<br /> but the present situation wont be that kind<br /> <br /> they say to let you live they should produce your car<br /> but if you ask me i think they go too far<br /> if you need ten they'll make 4000 jars<br /> and this is the message of the following bars<br /> <br /> BRIDGE<br /> it's all about the money<br /> it's all about the flooz<br /> it's not about love<br /> and it's not about yous<br /> it'as all about mass production<br /> hyper corruption where your the one to lose<br /> so get down stand up<br /> lets fight them back<br /> we could blow them to hell in a heavy attack<br /> push them real hard out of their track<br /> brothers and sisters it's of you we lack<br /> <br /> stand up<br /> no time to loose<br /> the people of the world is having the blues<br /> they tired of being ruled by the everlasting fools<br /> it's time we get together on our own set of rules<br /> they say we have to bow to get allong with our lifes<br /> but that my brother is the fatest of lies<br /> they give us some shit and you play the fly<br /> do realy like that game of selling and buy?<br /></em> WOAS: 'https://archive.org/compress/BPIST001' ---