Merge pull request #8 from Basspistol/content
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ gem 'jekyll', '3.8.5'
group :jekyll_plugins do
gem "jekyll-paginate-v2", "~> 1.7"
gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ GEM
jekyll (~> 3.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2)
sass (~> 3.4)
jekyll-sitemap (1.2.0)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-watch (2.1.2)
listen (~> 3.0)
kramdown (1.17.0)
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ PLATFORMS
jekyll (= 3.8.5)
jekyll-paginate-v2 (~> 1.7)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/
exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "", "Rakefile", "", "*.*~", "color_chart.txt", Gemfile, Gemfile.lock]
@ -33,4 +34,8 @@ collections:
output: true
_hide_content: true
- jekyll-paginate-v2
- jekyll-sitemap
@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
# - id: franky
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# bio: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque bibendum ornare luctus. Nullam a mi risus. Nulla sit amet facilisis neque. In a urna a massa iaculis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean at semper orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. '
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bio: 'Phasellus quis ex at arcu elementum ornare. Morbi facilisis eu diam semper elementum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean luctus lorem nisl, sit amet interdum libero suscipit eget. Mauris semper lacinia lectus et facilisis. Nulla mollis lacinia ipsum eget suscipit. Nullam hendrerit purus a lacus dapibus fermentum. Ut fermentum leo sed lacinia ultrices.'
@ -17,15 +15,13 @@
# - id: jokko
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# photo:
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# bio: 'Aenean nec libero gravida, vestibulum ex eu, fermentum erat. Nulla facilisi. Nam tempus augue vitae vestibulum viverra. Ut eleifend dui semper eros porttitor molestie. Quisque eget blandit justo. Aliquam velit orci, mattis sed justo et, fringilla sagittis tellus. Etiam fermentum ullamcorper dolor at scelerisque. Duis dolor diam, placerat id porttitor placerat, fermentum tempus elit. Nulla lectus libero, tincidunt vitae rhoncus consequat, luctus aliquam dui.'
# email:
# - id: max
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# image: /assets/img/thumb/max.jpg
# photo:
# display_name: 'Max Park'
# web:
# bio: 'Phasellus vitae tortor a metus blandit gravida ut ac eros. Nullam eu metus a metus tempor laoreet. Aenean vel eleifend elit. Maecenas massa mi, posuere eu augue quis, finibus sollicitudin ante. Mauris mi dolor, interdum a consectetur id, cursus et neque. Vivamus aliquam augue ac dui pretium scelerisque. Pellentesque pretium magna vel metus vulputate, vitae porta nisl posuere. Ut suscipit urna a ante malesuada tempus. Proin venenatis nisi sit amet elit fermentum porta. Nullam volutpat ultrices purus, a tempus lorem congue a. Sed euismod eleifend nulla, ut porttitor orci efficitur eget. '
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# - id: publicservice
# mb:
# image: /assets/img/thumb/publicservice.jpg
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# display_name: 'Public Service'
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# bio: 'Phasellus a malesuada felis. Nullam maximus libero ac blandit imperdiet. Nulla eget pretium dolor, ac fringilla tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer vulputate posuere ultricies. Duis commodo lobortis elit, sed tempus nulla euismod tempus. Aenean in tellus ut dui ullamcorper porta sed scelerisque lacus. Mauris quis venenatis nulla. Vivamus non posuere tortor, id euismod augue. Sed eu mollis nunc. '
# email:
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display_name: 'Sakrecoer Fam'
bio: 'Aenean nec libero gravida, vestibulum ex eu, fermentum erat. Nulla facilisi. Nam tempus augue vitae vestibulum viverra. Ut eleifend dui semper eros porttitor molestie. Quisque eget blandit justo. Aliquam velit orci, mattis sed justo et, fringilla sagittis tellus. Etiam fermentum ullamcorper dolor at scelerisque. Duis dolor diam, placerat id porttitor placerat, fermentum tempus elit. Nulla lectus libero, tincidunt vitae rhoncus consequat, luctus aliquam dui.'
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image: /assets/img/thumb/synapset.jpg
display_name: 'Synapsset'
bio: 'Mauris semper lacinia lectus et facilisis. Nulla mollis lacinia ipsum eget suscipit. Nullam hendrerit purus a lacus dapibus fermentum. Ut fermentum leo sed lacinia ultrices. Donec facilisis est sit amet facilisis dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque non justo justo. Vivamus varius placerat gravida. '
@ -57,31 +50,27 @@
# - id: sweatsky
# mb:
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# photo:
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# web:
# bio: 'Quisque bibendum ornare luctus. Nullam a mi risus. Nulla sit amet facilisis neque. In a urna a massa iaculis pharetra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aenean at semper orci.'
# email:
- id: tikov
mb: '1313ee01-590c-4fcf-a149-7f4d2a16d550'
mbrainz: '1313ee01-590c-4fcf-a149-7f4d2a16d550'
image: /assets/img/thumb/tikov.jpg
display_name: 'Dr. Tikov'
bio: 'Duis dolor diam, placerat id porttitor placerat, fermentum tempus elit. Nulla lectus libero, tincidunt vitae rhoncus consequat, luctus aliquam dui. Nullam iaculis, nisi sit amet mattis ullamcorper, ante nisi accumsan nisl, eget varius enim nisi at tortor. Morbi a commodo magna.'
- id: tfb
mb: '3e250a22-ed45-41f7-ab07-ac8f7b4cf1c7'
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display_name: 'The FragleBay'
bio: 'Nullam eu metus a metus tempor laoreet. Aenean vel eleifend elit. Maecenas massa mi, posuere eu augue quis, finibus sollicitudin ante. Mauris mi dolor, interdum a consectetur id, cursus et neque. Vivamus aliquam augue ac dui pretium scelerisque. Pellentesque pretium magna vel metus vulputate, vitae porta nisl posuere. Ut suscipit urna a ante malesuada tempus. Proin venenatis nisi sit amet elit fermentum porta.'
- id: setto
mb: '31e8e456-0589-47eb-9334-20872851cd3e'
mbrainz: '31e8e456-0589-47eb-9334-20872851cd3e'
image: /assets/img/thumb/setto.jpg
display_name: '徒 Setto セット'
bio: 'Nullam eu metus a metus tempor laoreet. Aenean vel eleifend elit. Maecenas massa mi, posuere eu augue quis, finibus sollicitudin ante. Mauris mi dolor, interdum a consectetur id, cursus et neque. Vivamus aliquam augue ac dui pretium scelerisque. Pellentesque pretium magna vel metus vulputate, vitae porta nisl posuere. Ut suscipit urna a ante malesuada tempus. Proin venenatis nisi sit amet elit fermentum porta.'
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: blog
title: Niche Anyone?
category: blog
sitemap: false
Most music labels are their own genres. But Basspistol is a syndicate that does not limit its scope by whether or not a certain piece of music information fits within a specific envelope of style.
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ layout: default
category: blog
one: /assets/img/AK40Seventyseven.jpg
sitemap: false
But we don't sell any because we respect the straight line between the Fans and the Artists we promote. If you are interested in buying music, you should opt for a DIRECT ORDER at the source: by talking to the <a href="/artists/">artists or go to their respective stores.</a> <br />
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ layout: blog
category: blog
one: /assets/img/ubuntustudio_carbon_thumb.jpg
sitemap: false
We operate this website using inclusively open source tools. We care about you too much to stalk you: we do not track what you look at, which article drives traffic or which gender prefers what genre.
<br />
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: blog
title: Web 3.0
category: blog
sitemap: false
We are The Outernational Music Syndicate, we believe in music. The Music Industry is healthy and blossoming like never before, there is no crisis in this industry, only greed and midlemen.
@ -13,26 +13,26 @@ link: ''
DEF CON is one of the world's largest annual hacker conventions, held every year in Las Vegas, Nevada. Since 2013, SomaFM has provided the music for the DEF CON Chill room. That theme continues with SomaFM broadcasting this special year-round stream from San Francisco, hosted by the DJs who entertain the DEF CON 26 chill room this year in Vegas.
kampf, DEF CON Resident
## kampf, DEF CON Resident
With over a decade of experience as a college radio DJ at KWCR on Nerd Show, kampf has waded long and deep through the muddied waters of electronic music, casting his rod time and again to obtain, then share the eclectic, the compelling, the sounds off the beaten path and those lesser know varieties or species. Also featured on and
Resident Chill Out Room and Lounge DJ for DEF CON 19 thru 22, Pool Party and Wall of Sheep. A veteran volunteer for the conference who is pleased to be working with SomaFM and providing music for the con once more.
You can find kampf on Twitter, Mixcloud, Facebook and Vine.
DJ Merin MC, Resident DJ
## DJ Merin MC, Resident DJ
Merin has been involved in SomaFM from its inception. Her contributions include designing station logos, producing live events, partner marketing, photography, writing and editing site content, and helping curate the stations. She has DJ'd for SomaFM at Chillits, the How Weird Street Fair, and DEF CON.
DJ Pie, Resident DJ
## DJ Pie, Resident DJ
Although my more recent gigs spinning metal and hiphop for the Bay Area Derby Girls would seem to indicate otherwise, I'm an oldschool bedroom and chillout party DJ with a soft spot for the clickier, crunchier side of downtempo. Having heard a lot about DEF CON from my coworkers during many years in the software industry, I'm especially pleased at this opportunity to attend and help provide a chill atmosphere.
DJ Jon Logan, Resident DJ
## DJ Jon Logan, Resident DJ
Jon has been active in the chillout scene in San Francisco for over 15 years. As one of the co-founders of the legendary "Woom" deep chill parties, he also spend several years in China performing in clubs there.
Rusty Hodge, Program & Music Director
## Rusty Hodge, Program & Music Director
I program music for several SomaFM channels, and I've been following DEF CON from afar since the very first one. So I'll be spinning a mix of downtempo/ambient/triphop/idm and late at night I'll get more into space music and deep ambient.
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