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< h1 > Habib Galbi< / h1 >
< p > < strong > Thu, Aug 30, 2018< / strong > < / p >
< p > A-WA is a band formed by 3 sisters who combine Yemenite folk singing with electronic dance music.< / p >
< p > Lyrics: < br / >
حبيبي بكى اعياني, مبيش مثله حبيب ثاني حبيبي بكى اعياني, وكم رحله وخلاني حبيب قلبي ويا عيني عجب من عيبك مني عجب من عيبك مني, جهل ياكل ولا يهني, حبيب قلبي ويا عيني, عجب من عيبك مني من اول طلعة الفجر, حنق خيلي وسار يجري حنق خيلي وسار يجري, حنق يا ناس وما بدري, حبيب قلبي ويا عيني عجب من عيبك مني حبيب القلب اعياني , سنة وشهرين وما جاني سنة وشهرين وما جاني, يا ناس رحله وشجاني, حبيب قلبي ويا عيني عجب من عيبك مني لمن اشكي ويفهمني, لمن ابكي ويرحمني لمن ابكي ويرحمني, منو منكم يساعدني حبيب قلبي ويا عيني عجب من عيبك مني< / p >
< p > Translation: < br / >
Love of my heart, my eyes < br / >
It is a wonder who has set you against me < br / >
He dared to eat but not be satisfied < br / >
And as the dawn rose < br / >
My love got upset and left running < br / >
My love got upset, o’ people!, and I am left unknowing < br / >
Love my of heart, my eyes… < br / >
My love has made my eyes cry < br / >
He rose and left me < br / >
And there is no other love like him Love of my heart, my eyes… < br / >
Love of my heart, my eyes < br / >
A year and a half has passed and he has not returned to me < br / >
O’ people, he has left and driven me mad < br / >
Love of my heart, my eyes… < br / >
To whom can I bemoan that will understand me? < br / >
To whom can I cry that will pity me? < br / >
Which of you will help me? Love of my heart, my eyes…< br / > < / p >
< p > Music credits:< / p >
< p > Lyrics & Music - Traditional Yemenite Folk< br / >
Produced & Arranged by Tomer Yosef < br / >
Recording by Dan Zeitune < br / >
Vocals - Tair, Liron & Tagel Haim < br / >
Keyboards - Tom Darom < br / >
Drums - Tamir Muskat < br / >
Bass & Guitars - Itamar Ziegler < br / >
Electronic Drums & Percussion - Tomer Yosef < br / >
Mixed by Tamir Muskat @ Vibroeast Studio < br / >
Assistant engineer - Omri Amdo < br / >
Mastering by Shmulik Daniel @ Hook & High Mastering< br / > < / p >
< br / > < br / > < br / > < br / >
< br / > < br / > < a id = "highlightlink" href = "https://youtu.be/g3bjZlmsb4A?ref=TheOuternationalMusicSyndicateWasHere" target = "_blank" rel = "noopener noreferrer" style = "text-decoration:none;" > CHECK IT OUT!< / a >
< br / > < br / > < p style = "font-size:0.85em; margin:5px;" > Warning, some links might lead you to webshits like google, with aggressive tracking.< / p >
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